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Analiza Techniczna #AT:

czytelny przegląd, AT n/ż, grupa #WIGTwitt

skuteczny spekulant, rewelacyjne wyniki w #CandleMaster

dowozi systematycznie 4-5k/mc

skromny kreskoman, AT n/ż

Analiza Fundamentalna:

@AnalitykF top level, fan 1 zdjęcia na 1000 słów

weteran-wymiatacz-edukator, mój ulubiony sceptyk

top spostrzeżenia o wysokiej skuteczności

szuka spółek >100%

rzetelny długoterminowiec
Read 17 tweets
🧵Ze zdumieniem obserwuję rosnącą popularność STS Holding #STH na #fintwitt. Dominuje narracja, że z racji nadchodzącego Mundialu spółkę czeka finansowe eldorado, przewijają się także wątki dywidendowe i Wyckoff. Miejscami przybiera to wręcz formę znaną z grup FB, discord... 1/N
jak również bankiera i oczywiście wielu odpalonych rakiet 🚀🚀🚀 No to bardzo chętnie po raz kolejny dorzucę swoje 3 grosze o tej spółce, o której pisałem już przy okazji debiutu. Tezy które postawiłem wtedy nie zdezaktualizowały się. 2/N
Zacznijmy od tego w jaki sposób zarabia bukmacher. Long story short - w długim terminie bukmacher zarabia na marży na kursie. Weźmy zatem zdarzenie dwudrogowe o równym prawdpodobieństwie wystąpienia. Przeciętne kursy na takie wydarzenia wynoszą około 1,84.
Read 14 tweets
I'm a $FVRR bull and I like how the premarket is reacting.

Let's digest Q3 earnings in a short 🧵👇 ImageImage
Starting off with a sucessstory of german eCommerce company Westwing integrating Fiverr Business into their Design workflow permanently after trying it out.

I like the emphasis on Fiverr Business at the start of the presentation. Going for that $UPWK marketshare 😏 ImageImage
Strong growth metrics across the board:

Revenue up 42% compared to a strong Covid Q3
Active Buyers up 33%
Spend per Buyer up 20%
Already impressive Take rate improving by another 140bps

High gross margin of 83%
180 bps Adjusted EBITDA Margin improvement

Great! Image
Read 17 tweets
$KAHOOT är en spelbaserad läroplattform som används som utbildningsteknik i skolor, för privatpersoner, på företag och andra utbildningsinstitutioner. Deras lärande spel, "kahoots", är användargenererade flervalsfrågor som kan nås via en webbläsare eller Kahoot-appen.
Kahoot! grundades 2012 av Johan Brand, Jamie Brooker och Morten Versvik i ett gemensamt projekt med Norska Universitetet för Vetenskap och Teknik. Den första versionen av Kahoot släpptes till allmänheten i 2013.
Bolaget har senaste två åren genomfört 4 förvärv, Polo, DragonBox, Actimo och Drops, mer om dessa senare. Genom dessa förvärv och stark organiskt tillväxt hade man 2020, 5 miljarder deltagande spelare på plattformen sedan start.
Read 22 tweets
An answer to wealth disparity in America without having to exercise radical socialism can be made with a few small changes in the distribution of wealth within corporations. One, requiring a complete revamping of executive compensation by making it performance
based & not stock based compensation. Numerous Silicon Valley billionaires run companies that continuously operate at losses & survive on capital raises & debt infusions. They are then able to extract that money through stock based compensation plans. IF CEO's were only able to
extract money from corporations that were profitable it would cause a redistribution of that money to ventures that are more sustainable & reduce mal-investment internally & externally. Increased money, increased investment & then the money matriculates into more hands.
Read 6 tweets
From a textbook perspective markets appear completely irrational. Yet, if you look at the options of where to put capital to work what options do you have outside of American markets? You have internal inflows from workers, coupled with external inflows from foreign markets
which are grossly exaggerated because of central bank policies. Thus you chase stocks & real estate to store your "perceived" wealth in these assets. So much money is chasing so few assets you get rapid price growth. The truly perplexing part pertaining to markets is how the
winner & losers are chosen. Why is so much capital flowing into stocks that have current valuations which will take years if not decades to reach a reasonable valuation? , , , , are the most recognizable. It feels like a pendulum has swung & stocks are
Read 5 tweets
@Bancointer e @nubank , obrigado por existirem e segurar a revolução bancária.

Diferentemente dos grandes bancos, irei relatar aqui uma atitude, aos meus olhos, uma atitude criminal, imposta aos clientes, principalmente aos mais ignorantes.

Segue também para a #fint ...
Minha tia, depois de trabalhar na roça de sol a sol, conseguiu aposentar-se pelo plano das pessoas que trabalham em roça.

Não seba ler, escrever, nem sequer segurar um celular bem.
Não deixa de ser um ser humano.

Ela recebe a aposentadoria (um salário mínimo) pelo @Bradesco.
E o que o @Bradesco faz? Retira dela uma tarifa no valor de 37R$.

Vocês fazem noção do VALOR que 37$ representa para uma pessoa do campo ? Uma senhora que vive plantando pra comer?

Minha tia não teve educação formal Sr. @Bradesco , mas eu tive alguma. E eu farei com que...
Read 10 tweets

Começamos isso aqui com o intuito de ajudar as pessoas físicas a investir melhor. E hoje olho a minha timeline e vejo: "olha o Jênio" pra cá... "não fala merda"... pra lá...
Quando viramos os donos da verdade? Foi nos 10k seguidores? No 20k? No 40k? Quando ganhamos nossa bola de cristal?

Ninguém aqui sabe direito o que vai acontecer, muito menos a melhor forma de lidar com essa crise, pois isso nunca aconteceu antes.
Funciona assim:

1o) Acontece um cisne negro e pega todo mundo de surpresa.

2o) Os Governos e BCs tentam lidar com isso da melhor forma que eles acham que devem, tentando traçar paralelos com coisas similares que aconteceram no passado. O intuito é sempre nobre: resolver!
Read 8 tweets

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