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Dec 23rd 2020
THREAD: So @vox writer @seanilling just said that ppl like me worry too much about #freespeech b/c “speech has never been freer.” Bizarre assertion in 2020. Speech was probably freer in 2005 before the "democratic recession" began, but it was certainly freer in, say, 2015. (1/65)
It’s important to address this because there’s been a trend in “nothing to see here,” thinly sourced stories claiming that nobody should really worry about free speech, Cancel Culture, or any of these themes. (2/65)
So, where to begin?

First, I'll start with the global picture, but don't worry, I'll get to my specialty, censorship in US higher education, later in this thread.

Bottomline: The situation for global #freespeech has gotten worse this year & over the past several years (3/65)
Read 67 tweets
Aug 27th 2019
In #SDNY, Epstein dismissal-after-death proceeding begins, with US Attorney Berman in courtroom of Judge Berman (no relation). Inner City Press reported his hogging of legal meeting room… Now victims will speak, we'll live tweet here- thread
@MatthewLeeICP @sdnylive Judge Berman begins by questioning #Fordham prof Bruce Green's NYLJ piece, mentioned in this pre-hype #Periscope in Foley Square this morning:…
@MatthewLeeICP @sdnylive With Judge Berman still explaining why he didn't just grant US Attorney's request to drop the prosecution after Epstein's death, yesterday Inner City Press wrote on a Washington Heights drug prosecution which was so dropped, without hearing
Read 7 tweets

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