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Jan 30th 2023
#Blinken urges '#calm' as #Israel-#Palestinian #conflict flares | Jan 30
- Blinken urged "calm" and "#deescalation" after violence flared between Israel and the Palestinians as he kicked off a Middle East tour in #Cairo on Monday.…
#Blinken reaffirms two-state solution ahead of #Israeli-#Palestinian visit | Jan 30
- "There is no question that this is a very difficult moment," Blinken told reporters in Cairo, "We have seen, over many months, rising #violence that is affecting so many"…
#Hebron, #Palestinian #killed at #checkpoint | Jan 30
- Palestinian #Wafa: the incident occurred at a military #checkpoint near the #Tomb of the Patriarchs -soldiers shot at the car on which Abu #Fouda was travelling.
- He was hit by a bullet in the head…
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