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Jan 7th 2023
☃️OSRE Course☃️

This repository contains a fill blown Offensive Security and Reverse Engineering course and the courses covered include

➡️Reverse Engineering
➡️Bug Hunting and Fuzzing
➡️Intro to Assembly x86 and x64

and much more..

#bugbounty #fuzzing #infosec #cybersecurity
🔗 Link:…

💳 Credits: @binaryz0ne
@binaryz0ne That's a wrap!

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Sep 14th 2022
I revisited NahamCon 2021 and found the talk by @rez0__ on fuff super informative.

Hence, I decided to write a thread on it for those who don't have time to watch the talk.

"fuff scripts & tricks" - A thread.


#bugbounty #infosec #fuzzing #bugbountytips #cybersecurity
🚔Obey the law

Before we dive into the tips and tricks, remember that fuff is a powerful tool and don't spam it everywhere. Use the -t or -rate flags wherever necessary.
🔊 1. Noise Reduction
Read 11 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
Sharing a project that aims to make fuzzing more accessible:

fzgen builds on Go 1.18 fuzzing, adding:
- Fuzz complex types (structs, interfaces, ...)
- Auto gen fuzzing wrappers from normal code
- Auto hunt for concurrency bugs

#fuzzing #golang 1/n
Some fun examples...

Fuzzing the syzkaller implementation without writing any code:…

Finding a data race without writing any code:…

Read 6 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
[#Fuzzing Evaluation] How do we know which fuzzer finds the largest number of important bugs within a reasonable time in software that we care about?

A commentary on @gamozolabs' perspective.
(Verdict: Strong accept).
YES! We need to present our plots on a log-x-scale. Why?…
Two fuzzers. Both achieve the same coverage eventually. Yet, one performs really well at the beginning while the other performs really well in the long run. (What is a reasonable time budget? 🤔)
Nice! I agree, comparing *time-to-same-coverage* provides more information about fuzzer efficiency than comparing coverage-at-a-given-time.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 27th 2020
5 years ago I proposed a #golang fuzz-a-thon in honour of the release of 1.5.

Probably a good time to do it again preparing for 1.15!msg/go…
Come hang out in the #fuzzing channel on the Gophers Slack or ask questions here.
Here's a quick go-fuzz tutorial I wrote:…

Some defaults in go-fuzz have changed, so once you have your fuzz function you can just run:

go-fuzz-build && go-fuzz

to start finding crashes.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 8th 2020
First up is the TLS session 🔒
First talk is Johanna Amann on measuring TLS 1.3 deployment in the wild with active and passive methods

Read 250 tweets
Sep 24th 2019
Kostya's keynote: LibFuzzer hasn't found new bugs in <big software companie>'s library. We didn't know why. Later we got a note that they are now using LibFuzzer during regression testing in CI and that it prevented 3 vulns from reaching to production.
In Chrome, libFuzzer found 4k bugs and 800 vulns. In OSS-Fuzz, libFuzzer found 2.4k bugs (AFL found 500 bugs) over the last three years.

@kayseesee #fuzzing #shonan
@kayseesee Fuzz-driven Development: Write your fuzz targets first.
Read 7 tweets

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