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1/ It's been quite some time since we've published a public update on what we've been up to. Allow us to remedy that! First things first you're likely asking yourselves "WTF is Ape Galaxy?!" I thought this was #GALAXYGOGGLEDAO $GG??? What happen to $APE_X? What about Death Ape?!
2/ After migrating from #AVAX to #BSC, we under went a lot of changes... most of which occurred out of the view of the public within Ape Base Alpha aka our Discord. The "APY War" days had left $GG with a pretty sizable war chest ($9-10M~), but no real purpose or direction...
3/ After all, #GALAXYGOGGLEDAO was a high inflation degen yield farm. Yields had collapsed, nodes were the new flavor of the week, $BTC was in a serious down trend, a war was looming, there was tons of macro uncertainty... There was plenty of piss and vinegar surrounding how...
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