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May 4th 2023
回顾 #Fed 2022-23年十次加息会议周的一些机会——以一个在web3基金又稍微喜欢一点宏观的 #degen 打工人视角出发。
🧵本周FED完成了2022-23年度第十次加息,并且暗示本轮加息周期已达到一个相对阶段,市场随机预测最早的降息可能于今年9月开始,相较于20-21年度的狂暴大牛市,过去的一年半无疑是一个相对低迷的bear market,然而市场仍然以每个月2-3个的速度产生一些有意思的 #ALPHA 热点。
Read 16 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
1. Thread on Legend and Teigen - chrissy teigen, john legend... #johnlegend #chrissyteigen #luna Image
2. This is not a deep dive, it will mainly be a series of tweets from Teigen of a pedophilic nature that Chrissy Teigen was allowed to get away with in Twitter 1.0 #chrissyteigen #pedophiletweets Image
3. Chrissy Teigen likes seeing little girls do the splits half naked, knows its wrong but still tweets about it and was allowed to get away with it.... #chrissyteigen Image
Read 81 tweets
Apr 17th 2023
🧵1/69 I was reminiscing about old times today and decided to throw together a quick dashboard on the rise and fall of the classic LUNA/UST algorithmic stablecoin pair. Built via @flipsidecrypto as always!

#LUNA #LUNC #DoKwon…
jk there is no thread

we went downnnnn

i cri evry tim Image
Read 3 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
1/ Huge respect for Dragonfly continuing to invest in the bear market.

But I'm morally obliged to call out sketchy projects gaining momentum.

As a community we must preempt large scale implosions like #FTX or #LUNA that set the industry back years

Bitget may be the next FTX 🧵
2/ About half a year ago we tried HFT on Bitget and quickly noticed their matching engine is dishonest. I'll give specific examples later in the thread.

I later learned from an ex-Bitget team member that they handled retail taker flow by just B-Booking through an internal desk.
3/ This is way worse than the usual allegations of CEXs having an internal MM desk.

Masquerading as an order book exchange to your customers while you secretly use a different structure behind the scenes is unequivocally unethical. It's probably illegal in any jurisdiction.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
💎@BanklessHQ’s podcast with @cburniske is a gem.

I’ve summarized the key points and added a suggestion for Chris at the end.


🧵From a 22k word transcript → 1.6k word thread
🎙️Chris Burniske talks about his conviction in #Ethereum during 2018-2019 bear market. Despite negativity & loss of faith, he & @placeholdervc continued investing in $ETH & its ecosystem.

#Crypto #Investing
🚀Projects backed by Placeholder include zkSync, Balancer, and Uma. Chris highlights that they found amazing valuations and top-notch teams in the #Ethereum space, with less competition from VCs during that time.

#DeFi #CryptoProjects
Read 61 tweets
Mar 11th 2023
¿Qué está pasando con las #stablecoins? 🤔

Primero fue la #Stablecoin de #Binance #BUSD que hasta hoy ha perdido $8 mil millones de sus capital de mercado, y ahora es #USDC de #Coinbase que ha perdido la paridad con el dólar y $7 mil millones de su capital. 😱

[Hilo] 🧶

En el caso de #Binance y #BUSD hicimos un hilo en su momento que dejaré al final, pero hoy nos enfocamos en el caso de la moneda estable #USDC del exchange cripto más grande de EE.UU @coinbase.

Lo primero a destacar es que Coinbase y Circle que son los emisores de #USDC...

no están en quiebra. El problema lo tuvo fue el banco @SVB_Financial que es donde @circle y @coinbase tienen parte del colateral de su moneda estable #USDC. Éste Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) fue intervenido hace 1 día por el @CaliforniaDFPI ya que estaba insolvente.👇

Read 17 tweets
Mar 11th 2023


Read 22 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
1/24 这几天加密重要的消息不少,我们一起来看看。 尤其是监管方面的消息特别多,在去年11月份FTX暴雷过后,很明显从今年1月份开始监管,尤其是美国监管进入到了一个紧盯加密市场的状态。其中以SEC尤其突出,查、罚、限制、叫停各种手段都有。
#监管 #SEC #Cryptocurency


Read 25 tweets
Feb 27th 2023

🔸#Coinbase Jan '23 attestation missed and delayed
🔸Justin staked 150.000 #Eth and use stETH on DeFi
🔸SEC targeted #Paxos
🔸#Busd deplete mode on
🔸#crypto pumped on "security risk rumors"
🔸Vitalik Buterin missed
🔸#ETH2 Shanghai soon

🔸#WBTC here and there
🔸#LIDO used in a way you should be worried
🔸#MAKERDAO high risk loading
🔸#DJI too high
🔸#US30 too high
🔸#SP500 too high
🔸Us Gov Treasury Total Default before July
🔸Inflation high
🔸Interest rate low

Few understand the risk, But they will feel it
If you are a #crypto enthusiastic, risk sits on
🔸Wrapped tokens, mostly #wbtc #weth #stEth
🔸Real risk is if Vitalik lied on #ETH2 and Rug Pull #ETH

Without #ETH almost all #crypto will blow
Wrapped tokens are perfect for laundering
Un- #stablecoin issuers will blow
Read 6 tweets
Feb 25th 2023
Today I was tracking 1bln #USDT inflow and just discovered an interesting facts: those 2022 / 2023 #crypto fast pumps wasn't bull case and wasn't a real intended manipulation

Those are Huge Short Covering before a Crash, or so called SHORT SQUEEZE
And this was what happened

Just before #Luna #Terra crash 5bln #Usdt covered a huge short position...
About three months later #bitcoin -62%

🔻 Image
And just before #FTX crash a 4 Bln position was loader in about three months

And down....
🔻 Image
Read 4 tweets
Feb 22nd 2023
📢 It’s going to get incredibly easy for dApps to start launching their chains with the rollout of @cosmos ’ ICS & @terra_money ’s Interchain Alliance.

But will #LUNA surpass #ATOM as the main hub, with feather and alliance?

Let’s find out! ⬇️
@cosmos @terra_money 1/ Alliance

🤝 It is an open-source @cosmos SDK module, that aims to boost economic activity across #Cosmos chains by leveraging interchain staking to form economic alliances and foster innovation, user adoption, and cross-chain collaboration.
@cosmos @terra_money 2/ Cont.

An economic alliance can be formed by staking the asset of a larger chain, such as #LUNA, on a smaller chain like White Whale. This results in increased staking rewards for users of the larger chain and a boost in users and activity for the smaller chain.
Read 11 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
¿Por qué el Departamento de Servicios Financieros de Nueva York @NYDFS le ordenó a la compañía @PaxosGlobal no imprimir o emitir más tokens de la moneda estable de #Binance #BUSD?

¿Qué pasará ahora con esta #Stablecoin?

Explicaré todo de principio a fin.

[Hilo] 🧶.

¿Qué es una moneda estable o #Stablecoin?

Es una criptomoneda que se emite a través de una #blockchain y que tiene como garantía/colateral dinero FIAT, materias primas y/o otros instrumentos financieros. Esto con el propósito de mantener una paridad 1:1 con el dólar #USD.

Las Stablecoins fueron creadas para facilitar la comercialización de criptomonedas sin tener que salir del ecosistema, ya que en muchos países cobran impuestos cuando usted convierte sus criptos a FIAT, además para "proteger" a los usuarios de la volatilidad del mercado.

Read 19 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
El ataque a #Binance es un intento desesperado de causar FUD a #Bitcoin & #Crypto, de las manos fuertes que manipulan el mercado. Lo hicieron con #LUNA, luego #FTX,y ahora el ataque a #BUSD. Es todo una guerra de poder, para acumular lo máximo posible de cara al próximo bull run.
Saben que el próximo mercado alcista va a ser tremendo, y quieren posicionarse lo mejor posible. No quieren que se dispare aún el mercado. Están manteniendo una pelota debajo del agua, si no causaran estos ataques, #Bitcoin ya estaría en los 100K.
Su táctica es siempre la misma, cuando ven que los mercados están a punto de explotar, atacan a pilares importantes de crypto (3ª crypto en marketCap como #LUNA, 2º mayor exchange del mundo, #FTX, y ahora la stable coin de #Binance) para que los precios aún no se disparen.
Read 3 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
🛒 My investing strategy for 2023 is here.

— 5+ years of trading & investing experience in this one 🧵

: HOW TO WIN in this next BULL RUN. 💫

⬇️⬇️ Image
📖 Background:

I have learned much throughout my investing experience and journey in the #Web3 space.

: These tips come from trial and error.

The tips and strategies will prevent you from making the same mistakes I have made.

-- Let's dive in. ⚔️
🔐 Reducing risk

This tip can not be underestimated.

Everywhere in the crypto space, there is a risk.
Risk of an asset losing its value, being hacked, being a scam/rug pull and more.

You are responsible for evaluating the assets you buy.
Read 18 tweets
Feb 3rd 2023
Lots of people asked about Carbon/Demex's roadmap for 2023.

It has just been released! I spent hours summarizing it for you.

The devs keep shipping, and has >20 awesome stuff building, from EVM & Cosmwasm support, to better liquidity, and more!

Alpha-filled 🧵

1/26 Image
1. $SWTH Trading Discounts:

Trading discounts can be applied to wallet addresses with staked SWTH soon! The amount of discount will depend on the amount of SWTH staked.

Accounts with staked SWTH can delegate the trading discounts to an alternative address too.

2. Shared Security with Alliance Assets:

This allows Carbon to form economic alliances with larger chains, making Carbon network more secure as larger and more liquid assets secure it.

Learn more:

#alliance #terra #luna #security #interchainsecurity
Read 27 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
1/ I saw a post from @Route2FI on @CantoPublic which has been pumping hard. #CANTO #NOTE

How come this #Cosmos chain is at $120 mil TVL & #Kuji is at only $7 mil?

@TeamKujira has been building hard, but Canto is better?

I found the answer. See next, a thread. 🧵
2/ #CANTO (native token) & #NOTE (its stable) represent 72% of the chain's volume & about $46 mil in value.

But what worries me more is that you can issue Notes with Canto!

Pump Canto price, borrow more Notes. Fly wheel. 🚀

Sounds familiar? #Luna & #UST anyone? 🙃

Next 👇
3/ If you check the price of NOTE it's over peg by 3 cents on the dollar, see pic

Demand is high - of course! You can borrow more Notes so long Canto price is pumping.

Guess what happens when Canto price crashes? Liquidations.

Not pretty.

More on that overstated TVL next. 👇
Read 12 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
OG: @pandanaiksapi:
#Binance is the largest crypto exchange in the world with a daily volume of over $15 billion, 10x bigger than the second. It's considered the safest for trading and storing #crypto assets, but is it truly #SAFU? #crypto #trading
A 🧵from a stupid trader (1/?)
Binance, founded by @cz_binance in 2017, has its origins in China. Due to the government's ban on #crypto, it had to move its headquarters to Japan. However, as Japan also started to implement stricter regulations for #crypto, Binance had to move again, this time to Malta. (2/?)
On Feb 21, 2020, the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) announced that @binance does not have an operating license. Binance has also been investigated multiple times by the IRS and the US Department of Justice on charges of money laundering.

Read 42 tweets
Jan 22nd 2023
#Bitcoin has reversed and confirmed its trend change as the majority of #crypto experts still fail to accept it and will be missing out.

The question is, will you ❓

Find out why in this thread below 🧵👇

Nearly all major longer-term tools a lot of people use such as market structure, moving averages, supertrend, RSI, MACD, MVRV, Puell, % drop, and so on are pointing out to a trend reversal

That by itself wouldn't matter that much, it's the CONFLUENCE that matters here

So first of all it's important to realize the time spent during each bear market + the percentage drop!

Diminishing returns each bull = diminishing drop each bear

With higher market capitalization the volatility will also diminish.

Read 24 tweets
Jan 21st 2023
$LUNA showing some strength but when moon 🚀🌕? 🌝
#Binance 🐳 #LUNA
Second entry 🥺. $LUNA
Third entry a success 😁. #Binance 🐳 I appreciate 🙏. $Luna
Read 5 tweets
Jan 13th 2023
I'll tell you the whole #Gemini & #Genesis story & what the #SEC did to protect people in short bullet points to save you time.

Here's what every #crypto trader/investor should know!

A thread 🧵
• Cameron Winklevoss a founder of Gemini, an American regulated exchange send a public letter to Barry Silbert the CEO of DCG one of the biggest crypto investment companies, it owns Grayscale, Genesis, coindesk & more
•Gemini lent to Genesis over $900 million in funds as a part of its earning program.

•Genesis lost billions in the FTX collapse, so they didn't return the money to Gemini.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 10th 2023
2022 was the victim of many major #crypto crashes, but three of them stood out the most.

#LUNA\#LUNC | #FTX | #CelticFC

Here's a thread! 🧵👇
2- Let's start off with the infamous #TerraClassic, which saw its token at the time, $LUNA (now known as $LUNC) crash from $86 to under $0.01 in just 48 hours which caused $LUNA holders to lose a total of $60 Billion.
3- What happened? Well, over $2 Billion #TerraUSD $UST was unstaked from #AnchorProtocol and many millions of dollars swiftly became liquidated.

#TerraClassic still exists to this day and their community of #LUNAtics still believe in its future, but do you?
Read 7 tweets
Jan 4th 2023
In 2022, #coinbase lost more than $2bn, settled for $100mil deal for breaking the AML laws and lost 85% in their stock price 📉.

Is #coinbase going bankrupt?
Are your funds SAFU?

The answer might scare you, a 🧵

Its been a horrible year for #coinbase -
-Stock lost > 85%
- > 2B$ net income loss
- Fined by regulators once again
- According to @Protos S&P Officially downgraded the #stock to “junk”
-A new #WallStreet powerhouse is tackling them head on

Let’s cover everything 1 by 1 👇

Let’s begin with the revenue according to the latest report (Q3 2022):

#Coinbase’s Total Revenue in 2022 until September was 2.5B$, less than 50% of the matching range in 2021 (5.3B$) 📉 Image
Read 23 tweets
Jan 3rd 2023
Su Zhu, the founder of 3AC, tweeted that #DCG and #FTX conspired to attack #LUNA and $stETH.

Is the depegging of stETH/ETH in June related to #FTX?

Let's try to find some evidence on chain.

Address: 0xd5c6a038950b977969e66f4823fd813c67048ba0

This address withdrew 110,286 $stETH ($216M) from Anchor Protocol when UST/LUNA crashed, and transferred all 110,286 $stETH to #FTX on June 8th.

After that, stETH/ETH began to depeg.

The address "0xd5c6" is a new address and received 12 $ETH from #FTX as gas fee.

After transferring all $stETH to #FTX, he transferred the remaining 10.5 $ETH back to #FTX.

We cannot be sure that the address "0xd5c6" belongs to @SBF_FTX, but it is very likely.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023
2022 was an INSANE rollercoaster year for #DeFi -

TVL dropped by more than 150B $ and > $1T wiped out from crypto markets this year!🩸

As 2023 approaches:
Should you still be bullish on #crypto?🤔
Who is the new KING to hold onto this year?

Uncover the answers in this🧵 Image
Unlock the Future of #DEFI and Find Out Who's the KING in 2022! Here's Our Summary of What is to come:

- How Big Has DEFI Gotten?
- Which Token Rules Over All?
- Could Bankruptcies Spell the End of #Crypto?
- What's The Potential of Crypto in The Next Few Years?

Dive in👇

First of, I would like to thank the following pillars of crypto for their continued work and market research this thread is based on

@nansen_ai & @coingecko @GrandViewInc @DefiLlama
Read 20 tweets

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