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Oct 9th 2022
Thank you Seyoum Teshome for shining light in darkness! When a tree is very small, you can remove it using your hands without any challenges. But you are going to need something much bigger to cut down a grown big tree! Don’t wait until something becomes a national issue! 1/
It is only in #Ethiopia where refugees are allowed to leave the camps and live wherever they like, own weapons, and even getting recruited by terrorist organizations to fight the gov’t that’s taking care of them!

On June 26, about 13 #GLF members were captured in Tierkidi, 2/
Itang woreda. Among them was the Vice administrator named Gatdet, who was secretly working with the GLF terrorists while he was still in the gov’t system. According to Gatdet testimony, he’s not the only person working with the GLF terrorists, there are many officials from 3/
Read 9 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
She is totally right! When you have a refugee population higher than the host community, you’ll have a problem! Leave alone the fact that those refugees are armed and are collaborating with Gatluak Buom who’s the leader of #GLF terrorist group. The #GoE should understand that 1/
Gatluak Boum is not fighting for any other reasons, but to make #Gambella an independent country, which fulfills the main and long term plan of creating the “Greater Naath country”. They’re not going back to S.Sudan! Those refugees are in the same boat with the TPLF: splitting 2/
Ethiopia into small countries! Even if TPLF is gone, this will stays a threat to the GoE. After few generations, this massive pop’n of refugees will blend in! If they don’t succeed military, with their pop’n, they will use “the constitution” in the future n create a country! 3/
Read 4 tweets
Sep 18th 2022
It is sad and heartbreaking indeed! Instead of disarming the #GLF soldiers who are hiding with all their weapons in Cangkwaar, 01 Kebele (Newland), and Beherbereseboch around Donbosco area, the TPLF agents running #Gambella are disarming the very people who defeated…
the OLF invaders last time. Why are they only targeting the kebeles that most the Anuaks and Amhara lives? Frankly, these areas were the ones that the OLF attacked last time.I guess they’re giving their friends a good time to hide their weapons properly, and also paving the way…
for those terrorists again. We all know where the OLF and GLF are hiding and keeping their weapons. Instead of pursuing them, they did the opposite! Very well planned out! That is how you know that #TPLF is running #Gambella. I don’t know the sweet lies they feed the #Federal
Read 4 tweets

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