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Oct 8th 2022
She is totally right! When you have a refugee population higher than the host community, you’ll have a problem! Leave alone the fact that those refugees are armed and are collaborating with Gatluak Buom who’s the leader of #GLF terrorist group. The #GoE should understand that 1/
Gatluak Boum is not fighting for any other reasons, but to make #Gambella an independent country, which fulfills the main and long term plan of creating the “Greater Naath country”. They’re not going back to S.Sudan! Those refugees are in the same boat with the TPLF: splitting 2/
Ethiopia into small countries! Even if TPLF is gone, this will stays a threat to the GoE. After few generations, this massive pop’n of refugees will blend in! If they don’t succeed military, with their pop’n, they will use “the constitution” in the future n create a country! 3/
Read 4 tweets
Oct 19th 2021
#ResistEthiopia: Resistance Flourishes in Darkness

1. For the past eleven months, the pro-#Ethiopia camp has been screaming bloody murder regarding the virtually complete media blackout of Pro-#Ethiopian voices.
The media blackout and the negative coverage of #Ethiopia by the MSM has resulted in a cascading effect, leading astray not only ordinary citizens but also academicians who you think would know better.
For this thread, demonstrating the the media blackout, I have collaborated with another exceptionally talented Ethiopian, @Samriethio!
Read 14 tweets
Aug 31st 2021
A new thread!

The EU funded @SahanResearch and its role in #InformationLaundering spearheaded by @RAbdiAnalyst and Matt Bryden (@Dibjir)

1/ SAHAN, claiming to be a think tank focusing on the HOA has been a linchpin in the MSMs ongoing info-war against #Ethiopia
2/ since the start of the war on Nov 4, @RAbdiAnalyst has been cited as a HOA 'expert' in at least 24 publications. He was quoted extensively in 7 articles published by @GaroweOnline. I strongly suspect all the pieces were actually written by @RAbdiAnalyst himself!
3/ @rabdianalyst was also cited as HOA 'expert' in 3 articles authored by @ZekuZelalem (2 for @AlJazeera & 1 for @VICE) 🤔
Read 11 tweets

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