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"Precisely because this GOP opposition is a foregone conclusion, Republicans are too rarely asked by reporters to justify it. This in turn causes that opposition to become accepted as a natural, unalterable ... condition of political life"
"[GOP] opposition fades into the background as a factor in what’s happening. It faces less serious scrutiny, and the story that’s foregrounded is that Democratic infighting is the only reason for congressional inaction."… Image
"The current Democratic package is called the Freedom to Vote Act. This proposal has a lot of individual provisions in it.

But how often does media coverage dissect why Republicans oppose each provision?"

#GOPObstruction Image
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#BackToSchool#Filibuster” is a funny word. It rolls off the tongue surprisingly well for a blocking tactic! Its history is longer than you’d think.
Here’s a look at the filibuster, how it works and the current political firestorm over it.…
Unlike the House, the Senate places few constraints on lawmakers’ right to speak.
Senators can easily use the chamber’s rules to hinder or block votes. Collectively these procedural delays are called #filibusters. 2/20
Senate records say the term began appearing in the mid-19th century. The word comes from a Dutch term for “freebooter” and the Spanish “filibusteros” that were used to describe pirates. 3/20 #Filibuster #Pirates
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There’s NO path to the 2020 Democratic nomination that includes talking specious bullshit about Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. You can’t begin the primary process by alienating the base that ultimately decides the outcome but still expect to win it all. Stop it.
Belittling the efforts of PBO and HRC is an overt appeal to Independents and White “moderates” who continue to narcissistically think only they have the perfect solutions for centuries of intentional and systemic inequality in American society. Privilege.
This is an outright and consistent refusal to fully understand or pragmatically combat the entrenched, culturally charged obstruction of GOP forces that will ALWAYS be aimed at ALL elected Democrats, no matter their melanin content or populist plans.
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Graham was once one of Trump’s sharpest critics (“I think he’s a kook,” in 2016), and is now one of his staunchest supporters, whether it comes to supporting his Supreme Court pick, or his golf game (“Anyone who says he’s not a great golfer, that’s fake news,” he said).(WaPo)
Sen. Lindsey Graham advises President Donald Trump to “stick to his guns” in the fight over funding for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and warned that giving in to Democrats' demands could be "the end of his presidency." (USAToday)
#GOPFail #DemSenate2020 #NoWall
@FiveThirtyEight which tracks congressional votes, reported that as of October 2018 Sen Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) had voted with Trump's position 100% of the time. #GOPComplicit #GOPFail #DemSenate2020
Read 24 tweets
1/ Day 30 of Trump's shutdown: Gov't workers are suffering. Trump's winning by blaming Dems for not negotiating. BuzzFeed nailed Trump for directing Cohen in illegal acts. Then Mueller made his first mistake & now both have egg on their faces. Trump wins. Enough! Resisters Unite!
Read 14 tweets

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