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Aug 26th 2020
Last century saw two very deadly pandemics the #GreatInfluenza of 1918 and #HIV. Is there anything we can learn from these about the future of #COVID19? The obviously parallel is the 1918 pandemic, a respiratory pathogen, though flu and #COVID19 have a lot of differences (1/5)
The #1918Pandemic tells us not to be overconfident after a receding summer wave. Pandemic flu often has a summer wave, followed by a big resurgence in the fall/winter. Is #COVID19 as seasonal as the flu? We don't know, but don't get too comfortable. (2/5)…
...the data from the Southern hemisphere is mixed, and everything is muddled by control and surveillance. But even it is important to remember even if the virus isn't directly climate sensitive, behavior is, and can lead to strong seasonal effects. (3/5)…
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