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Aug 19th 2020
Interesting to hear @PereraJehanpc in @iicdelhi’s Neighbourhood First - on #SriLanka’s recent election and return of the Rajapaksas. He appeared to be optimistic about the new government with 2/3 majority - for the very same reasons Indian liberals are unhappy with #Modi 2.0 Image
2/n On #SriLanka-India relationship, @SultanaGulbin i
expects a more pragmatic approach from both the #mahindarajapaksa government and #Modi-2.0 on all fronts - political, military, tourism and cultural but not, perhaps, economic - notwithstanding the “blow hot, blow cold” past.
3/n Jehan Perera states very plainly, #SriLanka sees #Pakistan as a “balancing power” against India. Listening to people like Perera it becomes clear how we screwed up our relations with SL by the #IPKF misadventure.
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