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May 22nd 2023
Today we're celebrating #HarveyMilkDay as we remember his incredible efforts to fight for LGBTQ+ equality. The same fight for equality in which Harvey Milk's life was sacrificed remains as relevant today as it was in 1978:
#HarveyMilk #LGBTQActivist #LGBTQNews #LGBTQ 🧵 Image
Harvey Milk made some incredible strides forward towards equality with his vital work, but, even in 2023, there are still many more miles still to go when it comes to LGBTQ+ rights across the world... Image
The many death threats that Harvey Milk received didn't stop him from advancing the concept of equal rights. His bold and outspoken message was an incredible show of bravery. Image
Read 7 tweets
May 20th 2020
🎙LIVE FROM #SACRAMENTO, it’s #science #trivia night! Welcome to @TriviaWithBens hosted for #CapSciCommLive🌶️! Follow the game here on Twitter (@CapSciComm Prof/Student Members gain call access:…). Tonight's theme: #MILK, in honor of #HarveyMilkDay [1/n]
🎙@TriviaWithBens Rules: No limit on how many people to a team—solo, with family/roommates, or virtually with friends! Come up with your team name and have a great time. Tweet selfies of your team all night long by tagging @TriviaWithBens and #CapSciCommLive 🌶️!
🎙@TriviaWithBens Rules for #CapSciCommLive 🌶️: We will score answers after each round. Y'all are on your honor to score your own sheets. No checking your phone/internet or your home bookshelf for answers while playing! This isn't a Google-contest 😂🧐…
Read 94 tweets

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