Round 1 starts now!
REAGANOMICS: In 1981, President Reagan authorized the distribution of over 500 million pounds of cheese that had been stockpiled to support milk prices. What has popular culture named this cheese?
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FUELS: Dairy manure can undergo anaerobic digestion to produce what chemical that can be used as a renewable fuel?
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50/50: Platypus are egg-laying mammals. Do platypus have nipples, yes or no?
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ZOOLOGY: As a naval officer, Harvey Milk served aboard the submarine rescue ship USS Kittiwake. What type of animal is a kittiwake?
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BOTANY: Milkweeds are the sole food source for the larvae of what species of migratory insect found here in California.
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PHYSIOLOGY: Born today in 1946, this professional wrestler and actor from France boasted a towering stature due to his gigantism. Name this late wrestler.
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PALEONTOLOGY: Spinosaurus is best known as the focus of Jurassic Park 3—big carnivore with a weird sail on its back. But a new fossil discovery confirms it is truly an aquatic dinosaur. What body part of this dino did they finally find?
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R1 Q1 Answer
In the United States, a pint is SIXTEEN fluid ounces. A pint is always one-eighth of gallon: a US pint is one-eighth of a US gallon, while an Imperial Pint is one-eighth of an Imperial Gallon.
R1 Q2 Answer
GOVERNMENT CHEESE. It was provided at no cost to welfare, food stamp, and Social Security recipients. The program ended in the 1990s as the dairy market stabilized.
R1 Q3 Answer
Anaerobic digestion of organic wastes like manure produces METHANE, the main component of natural gas and biogas. The largest dairy biogas facility was built using @CAClimateInvest near Pixley, CA.
R1 Q4 Answer
NO, platypus do not have nipples! Instead, they concentrate milk to their belly and feed their young by sweating it out. The milk contains an antibacterial protein to prevent contamination.
R1 Q5 Answer
Kittiwake are species of BIRDS. Specifically they are in the gull family, Laridae. The Black-Legged Kittiwake can be found off the coast of California, but they are almost exclusively found out at sea.
R1 Q6 Answer
Species of milkweed are the sole food source for caterpillars of the MONARCH BUTTERFLY—which ingest and uptake the plant's natural toxins, cardiac glycosides.
R1 Q7 Answer
We are referring to ANDRÉ THE GIANT. André René Roussimoff was billed at 7’4” and 520 lbs. You know him of course as Fezzik from the movie “The Princess Bride”. He passed away in 1993.
R1 Q8 Answer
They finally found its TAIL. Spinosaurus is one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs known, but only via scattered fossils. A U.S.-Moroccan team discovered it actually has a giant, paddle-like tail.
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MOVIES: The James Bond movie villain Scaramanga and the character Chandler from the NBC TV show “Friends” are both distinguished by a distinctive anatomical trait. What is it?
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CHEMISTRY: In the culinary arts, what is potassium bitartrate better known as?
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HIGHER EDUCATION: Harvey Milk graduated in 1951 from the New York State College for Teachers in Albany. What technical field was his college major?
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VETERINARY SCIENCE: Dairy cows are prone to something called “hardware disease”—where sharp nails and wires they swallow end up piercing their stomach, causing bleeding. What is often fed to cows to prevent this problem?
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BREEDING: Heck Cattle is a rare breed of domestic cattle that was bred in the 20th century in an attempt to bring back the extinct auroch, a wild cattle species that survived until 1627. In which country did the breeding program occur?
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GEOGRAPHY: The largest dairy-producing county in the United States is in California. Which county is it?
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FOOD: There are enzymes used to curdle the casein protein in milk—originally harvested from the inner mucus membrane of a calf’s fourth stomach—but now primarily harvested from genetically modified microbes. What are these enzymes called?
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MAMMALS: According to the USDA Nutrient Database, which domesticated animal’s whole milk has the highest carbohydrate, fat, and protein content?
A. Cow
B. Goat
C. Sheep
D. Water Buffalo
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Scaramanga and Chandler have a THIRD NIPPLE. Technically called supernumerary nipples, they usually form along the pair of “milk lines” that run down from armpit to groin. Most are tiny and mistaken as moles.
R2 Q2 Answer
Potassium bitartrate (KC4H5O6) is better known as CREAM OF TARTAR. It is obtained as a byproduct of wine manufacture during the fermentation process, from the tartaric acid in grapes.
R2 Q3 Answer
Harvey Milk majored in MATHEMATICS at the New York State College for Teachers in Albany—which became SUNY Albany (@UAlbany) in 1959.
R2 Q4 Answer
MAGNETS. Most cows are given MAGNETS, which then rest in their stomach and attract any metallic objects, reducing their likelihood of causing punctures.
R2 Q5 Answer
Heck Cattle were bred in GERMANY. While the breeding program was declared successful in 1934, popular culture has deemed them Nazi cows. There are about 2,000 Heck Cattle still alive, including 600 roaming wild in the Netherlands.
R2 Q6 Answer
If you’ve visited TULARE County, you might have guessed by the smell! Tulare County has a population of about 463,000 people and 450,000 cows. The biogas facility from R1Q3 is located there.
R2 Q7 Answer
RENNET. As the demand for cheese has greatly exceeded the demand for veal, other sources of rennet had to be found. Some vegetables and molds produce rennet-like enzymes.
R2 Q8 Answer
SHEEP’s milk has the highest carbohydrate, fat and protein content. In fact, aside from Vitamin A and some minerals, sheep’s milk outclasses the other three in every nutritional category.
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FUEL: Which competitive series was the first to utilize renewable fuel in its races?
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CHEESE: Species in the mold genus Penicillium are responsible for the very recognizable characteristics of which type of cheese?
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INSTITUTIONS: San Luis Obsipo County was an early ideal location for dairy farms, halfway between SF and LA with mild temperatures and ocean moisture keeping grasses green. Now there is only one dairy left, run by which local institution?
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FLUID MECHANICS: If you turn a sink faucet on high, you will see turbulent flow, marked by chaotic changes in pressure and flow velocity. If you turn your faucet low enough that the flow is transparent and smooth, what is this flow called?
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WOMEN IN STEM: Recently awarded the prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship, Professor Sarah Parcak at the University of Alabama-Birmingham is a renowned archaeologist who uses what special method to study her sites?
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HIGHER EDUCATION: The Cole Facility on UC Davis campus houses several buildings dedicated to animal science research. But Building C is also open to the public twice a week for retail purchases. What items can you buy at the Cole Facility?
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COLLECTIONS: The world’s most extensive repository for mammalian milk—more than 16,000 vials from more than 180 species—is located at which Smithsonian-operated facility?
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MILITARY: The U.S. Navy has begun construction on USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO-206). What type of ship is it—what primary cargo will the Harvey Milk carry?
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R3 Q1 Answer
The INDYCAR SERIES first used “100% Fuel Grade Ethanol” in 2007. Because ethanol has better mileage but less energy density than the previously used methanol, fuel tanks were shrunk and engine displacement increased.
R3 Q2 Answer
Penicillium species create the blue-gray spots and veins and distinct smell for BLUE CHEESE, including Cambozola, Gorganzola, Roquefort, and Stilton.
R3 Q3 Answer
CAL POLY students run the only dairy left in SLO. Last year @CalPoly_CAFES Creamery’s Grand Gouda won bronze in the 2019 U.S. Championship Cheese Contest!
R3 Q4 Answer
LAMINAR flow. In Pasteurization processes, it is far better to have turbulent flow so that quick temperature changes are more uniform and controllable.
R3 Q5 Answer
As her Twitter handle suggests, @indyfromspace uses SATELLITES (REMOTE SENSING) to identify hidden archaeological sites. Her team IDed the city of Tanis in Egypt (see: Raiders of the Lost Ark) some years ago.
R3 Q6 Answer
You can buy MEAT. The Cole Facility also houses the UC Davis Meat Laboratory, where students learn meat processing, preparation, and sanitization. The public can purchase beef, pork, and lamb there.
R3 Q7 Answer
The NATIONAL ZOO (specifically its Conservation Biology Institute) holds the world’s largest repository of mammalian milk. Much of it is in a giant walk-in freezer.
R3 Q8 Answer
The Harvey Milk will be a FUEL ship. The “AO” designation is for "Replenishment OILERS" which provide fuel out at sea to Navy ships and jet fuel for aircraft on aircraft carriers.
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TECHNOLOGY: Harvey Milk operated a store on 575 Castro Street from 1972 until his assassination in 1978. What kind of equipment did the store sell?
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ZOOLOGY: Species of pigeons and doves can produce a substance high in protein and fat to feed their chicks. What is this substance called? Give us the two exact words.
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ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE: There is a term for patterns of rounded, pouch-like bulges that are typically seen hanging underneath cumulonimbus clouds. What is the specific term for this “voluptuous” cloud feature?
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HEALTH: Annie Glenn—wife of Mercury astronaut and former U.S. Senator John Glenn—passed away today at age 100. She was a prominent public advocate. What type of disorder or impairment did she raise awareness about?
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CHEMISTRY: Cows producing “A2” milk became popular after a study found correlations in countries between the prevalence of “A1” milk and the prevalence of chronic diseases. What kind of nutrients are A1 and A2?
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FOOD PROCESSING: Unrefrigerated, aseptic milk in Tetra Paks can have a shelf life of 6 months. How is this aseptic milk processed differently than regular, refrigerated milk is?
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COMPUTING: While the term “bug” has been used to describe engineering defects since the 19th century, an actual insect was discovered in the relay of the Mark II electromechanical computer at Harvard in 1946. What type of insect was it?
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DRINKS: A traditional beverage of Mongolia is made from mare’s raw milk, fermented and stirred over two days to produce a sparkling sour drink that is about 2% alcohol. What is it called?
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R4 Q1 Answer
The store was called Castro Camera, where Harvey Milk and his then-partner Scott Smith sold CAMERAS and FILM. It was also his campaign office and his apartment.
R4 Q2 Answer
Doves and pigeons produce CROP MILK—described as resembling cottage cheese. The substance is secreted in their “crop”, an enlarged pocket of the esophagus usually used to temporarily store food.
R4 Q3 Answer
These are called MAMMATUS or MAMMA or MAMMATOCUMULUS, for their breast-like shape. They are usually associated with thunderstorms, and they're formed by pockets of cold, sinking air.
R4 Q4 Answer
Annie Glenn overcame her own stutter and brought national attention to COMMUNICATION DISORDERS (we’ll accept SPEECH or STUTTERING). @ASHAWeb named its public champion award after her.
R4 Q5 Answer
A1 and A2 are both PROTEINS. The two proteins only have one difference, a single amino acid. Further epidemiologic research has been inconclusive, but some milk-sensitive people swear by A2 milk.
R4 Q6 Answer
Aseptic milk is pasteurized at a HIGHER TEMPERATURE. Refrigerated milk is heated to 161°F, while aseptic milk is heated to 280°F, before both are chilled back to 39°F.
R4 Q7 Answer
A MOTH. The operators who found it were familiar with the engineering term and amusedly kept the insect with the notation "First actual case of bug being found.”
R4 Q8 Answer
AIRAG, or outside of Mongolia, KUMIS. If you visit a yurt, you may be presented a bowl of it to drink. Mongolians will drink the entire bowl, but you can take just a sip and return the bowl without offending your host.
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Until next time: #KeepScienceSpicy!!!

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