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Nov 3rd 2019
Bet $2.5M
there is reason
4 things.


When u shill,
end up on da grill.

Y would Mensch
be skirred of wat
folks question
*vetting her?

Y would experience in
[fer 2 secs 2 shill 4 Murdoch]
allow her *insight N2 U.S. politics?
She Murdoch GingerKitty
Yeah. Yeah.
We all make mistakes.

But how many R too many?

Let's just run thru
some Sun pieces
they delivered w
Mensch as subject.

Joey Barton slams
‘fame-hungry’ 😏
MP Louise Mensch

Vet ur pundit.

Y I do declare!

Heart attack

Remain RUssian Op
#BREXIT stolen from people

"Ex-*Tory MP
Louise Mensch
blasted Hancock
4 suggesting
Brexit voters
R unkind,

Doesn't spell Alka-Seltzer, folks.

Read 29 tweets

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