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Mar 11th 2023
SARS-CoV-2 感染者は、COVID-19 の急性期後の胃腸障害リスクが高い

Long-term gastrointestinal outcomes of COVID-19…

COVID-19 infections raise risk of long-term gastrointestinal problems… @wustlmedより
「ウイルスは、健康であると考えられている人や軽度の感染症にかかった人の間でも、破壊的である可能性があります。私たちは、COVID-19 が体内のあらゆる臓器系を攻撃する能力を目にしており、時には死を含む深刻な長期的結果をもたらすこともあります。」
Read 7 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
Bill Gates says 'China's rise' is a 'huge win for the world'

Gates also said that China needs to play a stronger role in 'world governance'.… #FoxBusiness
In 2011, even the WaPo asked :

"Why is Bill Gates selling nuclear tech to China?"…
In 2018, Microsoft and Chinese telecom virus Huawei jointly released an all-flash Azure Stack solution that helped enterprises accelerate hybrid cloud services and improve data reliability...…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 4th 2023
📰 Who’s pushing large #TwitterSpaces w big names @elonmusk @SebGorka @TomFitton @alx @elizableu?🧵

#AMC #NFT #Crypto fans push OnlyFans girl @TaraBull808 as star #SpacesHost

She cohosts w @MarioNawfal @KimDotcom & @stillgray despite evading permanent ban under @BunnyBaby808
If u listen to #TwitterSpaces, you’ve inevitably come across some large rooms discussing news like #TwitterFiles & #AndrewTate

Hosted by @MarioNawfal & @stillgray, even @elonmusk joins

Interesting, but what the grift?

Crypto & NFT hosts like @TaraBull808? Why the promotion?
So meet @TaraBull808, who’s popularity seems to be skyrocketing on #TwitterSpaces through constant promotion

@TaraBull808 is in fact, formerly @bunnybaby808, who was permanently locked out and suspended from her original Twitter account in March 2021
Read 15 tweets
Dec 26th 2022

トランプ政権とバイデン政権の両方から、コロナパンデミックに関連するツイートの抑制するための働きかけがあったことが判明した。… #FoxBusiness
The Free PressのDavid Zweig氏は、Twitterが連邦政府の命令で「コロナの議論を操作した」ことを示す内部ファイルを引用し、米政府がTwitterや他のソーシャルメディアプラットフォームに圧力をかけ、「コロナに関する特定のコンテンツを持ち上げて他を抑圧した」また、「現政権と前政権の両方が、
Read 4 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
We should end mass incarceration, but people who don't believe in personal responsibility have no business teaching law students, not to mention what they teach their own kids. If we incarcerate more fraudsters, there also will be less fraud.… #FoxBusiness
So much for the bozos who say we should "move past the philosophy of personal responsibility."

Binance exec says 'it was like a bomb went off' at FTX, compares Bankman-Fried to Madoff and Elizabeth Holmes
""The philosophy of personal responsibility has ruined criminal justice and economic policy," Fried wrote at the time. "It’s time to move past blame.""
She can tell that to Crypto Bro over the telephone in the visiting room....
Read 5 tweets
Nov 17th 2022
Sounds like it's time for Crypto Bro to learn a new "philosophy" from @TheJusticeDept and @FBI ...

Sam Bankman-Fried's professor mother penned 2013 essay shredding 'philosophy of personal responsibility'… #FoxBusiness
There are good arguments for reducing mass incarceration, but a legal philosopher who argues that we should ditch the "philosophy of personal responsibility" is just plain wrong.
And if a privileged rich kid is never taught not to take other people's money ... it's slammer time.
For four years we had a President who agreed with Crypto Bro's mom that we should ditch the "philosophy of personal responsibility."
@TheJusticeDept needs to indict powerful people who commit crimes and put them in the slammer.
Americans are fed up with this bad attitude.
Read 6 tweets
May 14th 2020
Des miliciens armés forcent la réouverture des commerces, contre les décrets de #confinement, y compris dans 1 Etat conservateur tel le #Texas. Au nom de la Constitution. Qu'adviendra-t-il si le résultat des urnes ne leur convient pas en novembre prochain?…
2) Cette crise de la #COVIDー19 aura déjà diffusé l'idée d'1 désobéissance acceptable à l'ordre légal démocratique au nom de ses convictions partisanes et pouvant même être instrumentalisée dans le combat politique- cf. #Trump et son Liberate contre les gouverneurs démocrates.
3) Même 1 urgence sanitaire majeure type #COVIDー19 ne réunit plus la nation US dans 1 creuset commun de valeurs politiques partagées. La droite radicale conservatrice des miliciens armés, instrumentalisée par #Trump et les républicains, n'accepte plus 1 pouvoir démocrate local..
Read 8 tweets
Nov 3rd 2019
Bet $2.5M
there is reason
4 things.


When u shill,
end up on da grill.

Y would Mensch
be skirred of wat
folks question
*vetting her?

Y would experience in
[fer 2 secs 2 shill 4 Murdoch]
allow her *insight N2 U.S. politics?
She Murdoch GingerKitty
Yeah. Yeah.
We all make mistakes.

But how many R too many?

Let's just run thru
some Sun pieces
they delivered w
Mensch as subject.

Joey Barton slams
‘fame-hungry’ 😏
MP Louise Mensch

Vet ur pundit.

Y I do declare!

Heart attack

Remain RUssian Op
#BREXIT stolen from people

"Ex-*Tory MP
Louise Mensch
blasted Hancock
4 suggesting
Brexit voters
R unkind,

Doesn't spell Alka-Seltzer, folks.

Read 29 tweets
Jul 28th 2019
#Breaking de taille. Selon le @nytimes, #Trump démet le dernier républicain "traditionnel" de son administration, le directeur national du #renseignement Coats, qui osa le critiquer sur #Poutine. La prise de contrôle de l'appareil d'Etat est…
@nytimes 2) #Coats, l'actuel directeur du renseignement national (DNI), est le modèle type du conservateur républicain "patricien" vieil école, ancien assistant de Dan Quayle, sénateur de l'Indiana entre 1989 et 2001 (et de 2011 à 2017), ambassadeur en Allemagne à l'ère Bush Jr...
@nytimes 3)… #Coats était une concession initiale de #Trump aux conservateurs traditionnels et aux Bush dont il était un proche. Avec lui comme directeur du renseignement, les "dégâts" seraient limités, pensait-on parmi les élites républicaines de DC…
Read 17 tweets
Feb 1st 2019
Faux choice.
Socialism (government ownership of major industries) is for fools.
But only fools think that government shouldn't regulate capitalism and help provide essential public services (public education, health insurance, roads, parks...) #FoxBusiness
It is high time for the United States to provide an essential public service that is available in every other leading CAPITALIST country: universal health insurance.
Calling regulation of business, Social Security, public education or universal health insurance “socialism” or “democratic socialism” is a stunt worthy only of @FoxNews.
These are ways government can make CAPITALISM more effective, secure and fair and increase the public welfare.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 27th 2018
Sortant de mon après-midi de khôlles et de cours et après avoir regardé le témoignage de #BlaseyFord, je vous le dis comme je le pense: #Kavanaugh est fini. Et ce tweet du très renseigné #Sherman sur #Trump me conforte.
2) Pourquoi #Kavanaugh semble être "mort à l'arrivée" pour la nomination? Car comment imaginer que 50 sénateurs puissent passer outre 1 témoignage précis et si émouvant donné déjà bien avant le choix de #Trump? Le "100% sûre"est insurmontable SAUF…
3) seule chance de #Kavanaugh est que les républicains du Sénat choisissent 1 immolation collective ultime pour verrouiller la #CourSuprême au prix d'1 désastre séculaire auprès de l'électorat féminin blanc aux #midterms...Mais ce suicide politique aurait 2 conditions...
Read 31 tweets

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