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Feb 13th 2019
🧮📈 Meet Prof Margaret Wu, emeritus statistician @unimelb who works on educational assessment. In the ‘70s Wu worked on the Watterson estimator, a statistical test to evaluate the genetic diversity of a population. New @wikipedia page:… #WomeninSTEM
Wu’s contributions to computational biology were unearthed by Emilia Huerta-Sánchez @BrownUniversity and Rori Rohlfs at @SFSU. 😅 #HiddenNoMore
GA Watterson went ahead and published their parameter as a single author publication w/ > 3,000 citations. Wu, who is mentioned in the acknowledgments, was not encouraged to complete a PhD.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 1st 2019
Hi friends, happy new year 🥳🙌🧚 my New Year's resolution is to tweet about a person from an underrepresented group in science & technology every day, celebrating their contributions 🥰 if you know people that should be on my list, please let me know ❤️
First up is @anialdam 🤗 Madlaina is an amazing game designer, software engineer and community organizer. I have the pleasure to work with her as @wtm_ch leads. I know few people that are as passionate about the community as she is. She is a true leader and a great friend ☺️❤️
Today, it's time to celebrate @salad_milk_soup 🙌 she is an awesome software engineer, a great speaker and a true unicorn 🦄 I feel so lucky to have her as a friend and mentor. I love her no-bs attitude and at the same time her kind heart ❤️
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