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Apr 29th 2023
🧵Hugging Face, a leader in the #AI community, has revolutionized the creation, collaboration & discovery of ML models & apps.

By open-sourcing their tech, they've become a force in the industry, raising $160M & serving 10k+ companies.

Here's why their approach is key! #ML #NLP Image
🚀Open-sourcing allowed Hugging Face to foster collaboration among researchers & companies, propelling the launch of #ChatGPT - a tipping point in AI's shift from niche to mainstream. #OpenSource #MachineLearning
🌐With a focus on natural language processing & text-to-image tasks, Hugging Face expanded to other domains, hitting 50M page views in Jan.

Open science & open source are vital for ML advancement, despite some companies' commercial goals. #NLP #ComputerVision
Read 13 tweets
Aug 8th 2021
How negative was my Twitter feed in the last few hours? In the replies are a few models that analyze the sentiment of my home timeline feed on Twitter for the last 24 hours using the Twitter API.
#NLP #Python
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 253 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #BERT model from #huggingface. A majority (70.0%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 253 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #VADER model from #NLTK. A majority (56.1%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot
Read 7 tweets
Aug 8th 2021
How negative was my Twitter feed in the last few hours? In the replies are a few models that analyze the sentiment of my home timeline feed on Twitter for the last 24 hours using the Twitter API.
#NLP #Python
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 272 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #BERT model from #huggingface. A majority (69.9%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 272 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #VADER model from #NLTK. A majority (57.0%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot
Read 7 tweets
Aug 7th 2021
Each week I pull ~51000 tweets on US State mentions and do sentiment analysis. Most positive state was #Maine according to an ensemble model! In the replies are the individual models.
#NLP #Python #ML
I analyzed the sentiment on Twitter for each state + DC from the last week using a pretrained #BERT model from #huggingface.
Which state had the most positive mentions this week? It was #Maine!
#NLP #Python #ML
I analyzed the sentiment on Twitter for each state + DC from the last week using a pretrained #VADER model from #NLTK.
Which state had the most positive mentions this week? It was #DistrictofColumbia!
#NLP #Python #ML
Read 7 tweets
Aug 7th 2021
How negative was my Twitter feed in the last few hours? In the replies are a few models that analyze the sentiment of my home timeline feed on Twitter for the last 24 hours using the Twitter API.
#NLP #Python
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 378 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #BERT model from #huggingface. A majority (68.0%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 378 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #VADER model from #NLTK. A majority (60.3%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot
Read 7 tweets
Aug 7th 2021
How negative was my Twitter feed in the last few hours? In the replies are a few models that analyze the sentiment of my home timeline feed on Twitter for the last 24 hours using the Twitter API.
#NLP #Python
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 476 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #BERT model from #huggingface. A majority (70.0%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 476 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #VADER model from #NLTK. A majority (60.5%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot
Read 7 tweets
Aug 6th 2021
How negative was my Twitter feed in the last few hours? In the replies are a few models that analyze the sentiment of my home timeline feed on Twitter for the last 24 hours using the Twitter API.
#NLP #Python Image
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 528 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #BERT model from #huggingface. A majority (68.0%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot Image
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 528 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #VADER model from #NLTK. A majority (58.9%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot Image
Read 7 tweets
Aug 6th 2021
How negative was my Twitter feed in the last few hours? In the replies are a few models that analyze the sentiment of my home timeline feed on Twitter for the last 24 hours using the Twitter API.
#NLP #Python Image
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 569 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #BERT model from #huggingface. A majority (65.4%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot Image
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 569 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #VADER model from #NLTK. A majority (53.6%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot Image
Read 7 tweets
Aug 1st 2021
How negative was my Twitter feed in the last few hours? In the replies are a few models that analyze the sentiment of my home timeline feed on Twitter for the last 24 hours using the Twitter API.
#NLP #Python
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 239 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #BERT model from #huggingface. A majority (61.1%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 239 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #VADER model from #NLTK. A majority (61.5%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot
Read 7 tweets
Aug 1st 2021
How negative was my Twitter feed in the last few hours? In the replies are a few models that analyze the sentiment of my home timeline feed on Twitter for the last 24 hours using the Twitter API.
#NLP #Python
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 288 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #BERT model from #huggingface. A majority (65.6%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 288 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #VADER model from #NLTK. A majority (62.8%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot
Read 7 tweets
Jul 31st 2021
Each week I pull ~51000 tweets on US State mentions and do sentiment analysis. Most positive state was #Utah according to an ensemble model! In the replies are the individual models.
#NLP #Python #ML
I analyzed the sentiment on Twitter for each state + DC from the last week using a pretrained #BERT model from #huggingface.
Which state had the most positive mentions this week? It was #Utah!
#NLP #Python #ML
I analyzed the sentiment on Twitter for each state + DC from the last week using a pretrained #VADER model from #NLTK.
Which state had the most positive mentions this week? It was #Nevada!
#NLP #Python #ML
Read 7 tweets
Jul 31st 2021
How negative was my Twitter feed in the last few hours? In the replies are a few models that analyze the sentiment of my home timeline feed on Twitter for the last 24 hours using the Twitter API.
#NLP #Python
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 412 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #BERT model from #huggingface. A majority (67.5%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 412 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #VADER model from #NLTK. A majority (59.0%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot
Read 7 tweets
Jul 31st 2021
How negative was my Twitter feed in the last few hours? In the replies are a few models that analyze the sentiment of my home timeline feed on Twitter for the last 24 hours using the Twitter API.
#NLP #Python
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 499 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #BERT model from #huggingface. A majority (63.3%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 499 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #VADER model from #NLTK. A majority (58.9%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot
Read 7 tweets
Jul 30th 2021
How negative was my Twitter feed in the last few hours? In the replies are a few models that analyze the sentiment of my home timeline feed on Twitter for the last 24 hours using the Twitter API.
#NLP #Python Image
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 517 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #BERT model from #huggingface. A majority (62.9%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot Image
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 517 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #VADER model from #NLTK. A majority (58.0%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot Image
Read 7 tweets
Jul 30th 2021
How negative was my Twitter feed in the last few hours? In the replies are a few models that analyze the sentiment of my home timeline feed on Twitter for the last 24 hours using the Twitter API.
#NLP #Python Image
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 600 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #BERT model from #huggingface. A majority (64.3%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot Image
I analyzed the sentiment on the last 600 tweets from my home feed using a pretrained #VADER model from #NLTK. A majority (56.7%) were classified as negative.
#Python #NLP #Classification #Sentiment #GrantBot Image
Read 7 tweets

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