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Jan 1st 2022
The Abecedarians, the first band alphabetically in my collection. I’m not sure I have listened to this since I bought it. Fac 117, is a 12” 45, just two tracks, electronic with nods to other Factory bands. No idea what happened to them.
#abecedarians #factory #factoryrecords ImageImage
Backstory: In an effort to listen to a wider variety of the music I own for the first half of this year I’m dedicating a week to each letter. I thought I’d start with the disc that has sat leftmost on the shelves since some time in the eighties!
A Certain Ratio. A couple from them today, between the two marking a huge change from fucked to funky.

#factory #factoryrecords #acr #acertainratio
Read 267 tweets
Aug 25th 2020
#BREAKING: M109A5 Doher 155 mm Self-Propelled Howitzers of #Israel Defense Force fired several M825A1 White Phosphorus artillery shells at Southern Meiss El Jabal near border with #Lebanon as a warning to #Hezbollah terrorists who might carry-out more attacks.
This is moment of explosion of M825A1 155mm White Phosphorus artillery shells fired by M109A5 Howitzers of #Israel Defense Force at #Hula village near Lebanese-Israeli border. These WP shells have caused wildfire in the area.
155mm White Phosphorus artillery shell hit a house in #Hula village near the #Israel-#Lebanon border but fortunately didn't explode.
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