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"Time shall unfold what plighted cunning hides: Who covers faults, at last shame them derides" - King Lear No Due Process = No rights,No Free Speech = Oppressed
4 subscribers
Jan 12, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
@laralogan Catholic Charities and Maximus Inc are the two organizations everyone should be concerned about.
Start here:
influencewatch.org/non-profit/cat… @laralogan influencewatch.org/?s=catholic+ch…
Nov 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
#NHPolitics @Globe_NH Remember that Sen. Kelly Ayotte's aide David Whiby was in a prostitution ring; that former NH Chief Justice Chuck Douglas's 4th wife uncovered his affairs in his office; that AGs office covered up sex crimes against minors and so did DCYF, NHCADSV. #NHPolitics Many lawyers in New Hampshire are interlinked with police, judges, politicians in NH and Mass. Bill Shaheen's law firm specializes in keeping pedophiles out of jail. His firm repped Ghislaine Maxwell too in NH. nationalfile.com/jeanne-shaheen…
Nov 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
@SpartaJustice Adding to this: Dominion were represented by Davida Brook who co-founded “Building a Better Legal Profession” with Stanford Law Professor Michele Dauber at Stanford. Dauber works in the same department as Barbara Fried who co-founded “MIND THE GAP” which instructed #FTX #SBF... @SpartaJustice ….on which political Pacs, candidates of both political parties, to invest in. Those candidates, per testimony from the #SBFTrial knew that #FTX (tied to Sequoia & CCP) was behind the straw donations. Yet straw donations for CCP benefit not new - Jho Low/1MDB & Pras Michel...
Nov 5, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Pull the thread on FTX and you get to Mind The Gap. Pull the thread on Mind the Gap and you get to Hewlett Foundation, US Aid. Pull the thread on US Aid and you get to Soros. Pull the thread on Soros and you get to Arabella Advisors. Who is on the board of advisors for Arabella? Joe Bankman. Whose organization shares an office address and suite with Arabella Advisors? Laurene Powell Jobs & Reid Hoffman’s ACRONYM. Who is pals with Laurene Powell Jobs? Ghislaine Maxwell. Who is pals with Reid Hoffman? Jeffrey Epstein. Who is really behind FTX, Alameda Research? Could it be Mosad? Is this why David Boies insists on handling the plaintiffs against FTX since he hired Black Cube for Harvey Weinstein? @boomerkel @MetcalfeEnergy @MikeGil21446788 @PAHAU6 @hollyruocco @REGRVR There are several other routes which also seem to tie FTX back to Jeffrey Epstein. Something that Gary Gensler should be asked about since he ran Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Finance for 2016…taught at MIT where Epstein donated & is implicated in Bitcoin there...
Sep 28, 2023 24 tweets 6 min read
@NatetheLawyer @YouTube Here is the Open Letter supporting Amber Heard. Note well the organizations that supported it. Note well that these organizations are all intertwined and there is a very large and orchestrated racket going on….
amberopenletter.com @NatetheLawyer @YouTube These are not “experts”. They are victims-for-profit-and-politics entrepreneurs. There’s a very big difference.
Jun 9, 2023 26 tweets 19 min read
@POTUS Can you explain the $5 million from Ukraine? Why #FTX was partnered with Ukraine, why George Soros said he was going to give $1 billion to Ukraine, what happened to the sex trafficked victims from Ukraine & why Hunter had Department of Defense Access Codes on his computer? @POTUS Were the Department of Defense Access Codes on Hunter Biden's laptop given to Ukraine? Or to Patrick Ho and CCP? Why was Boies Schiller going to represent Patrick Ho?
Jun 7, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
#MKUltra Child sex trafficking, human trafficking. How is it funded? Crypto. Who supports Crypto? Jeffrey Epstein, George Soros, Gary Gensler, Sam Bankman-Fried, CZ...Follow the money.
foreignpolicy.com/2021/01/30/sex… How to fund human trafficking. Ask Jeffrey Epstein, MIT Media Lab, Gary Gensler, Sam Bankman-Fried, Joseph Bankman, SEC, FBI, CIA, IRS. #Crypto
Jun 7, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
#MKUltra Child Sex Trafficking alert. Please wake up everyone. Please look at Hunter Biden, Jeffrey Epstein, JP Morgan, PornHub, META
"The 11 co-defendants face an assortment of charges ranging from making child pornography to transporting kids for sex."
usatoday.com/story/news/nat… #MKUltra Child Sex Trafficking Alert - Judges and Disney involved too. Who owns 7% of Disney? Ghislaine Maxwell's friend Laurene Powell Jobs yet her Atlantic downplays child trafficking. Why?
Apr 16, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
@SenBlumenthal Before any judge arrives on SCOTUS they come up through the system. The system is corrupt. Look at New Hampshire - former AG Michael Delaney negotiated a no jail time plea deal for Judge Julie Introcaso for a felony & you are all considering him to be a judge on First Circuit. @SenBlumenthal Judge Julie Introcaso herself was head of the judicial disciplinary committee in New Hampshire while Michael Delaney had a massive conflict of interests in representing St Paul's School which your colleagues Sen. Shaheen & Hassan have failed to reveal to you.
Apr 5, 2023 8 tweets 15 min read
@PAHAU6 @REGRVR @MikeGil21446788 @kleavittnh @GovChrisSununu @NHPeeps @NH_DOJ @JudiciaryDems Part of the set up: DOJ, DOD, DHHS & others send funds to New Hampshire under federal grants. These end up being syphoned off so that they do not reach the intended purpose but end up in off shore accounts via non-profits affiliated with public officials....via their attys. @PAHAU6 @REGRVR @MikeGil21446788 @kleavittnh @GovChrisSununu @NHPeeps @NH_DOJ @JudiciaryDems Thus CASA NH non-profit can be found in Open Corporates as a Hong Kong company with an address in both Hong Kong and Concord. Caroline Delaney (Department of Revenue Legal counsel) & former AG Michael Delaney filed a financial interest in CASA NH. Go figure....
Apr 5, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
@letshearthetru @PAHAU6 @MikeGil21446788 @kleavittnh @GovChrisSununu @NHPeeps Remember NH Booster Blitz? Courtesy of @GovChrisSununu at plandemic Christmas time.
#defundconcordnh @letshearthetru @REGRVR @MikeGil21446788 @kleavittnh @GovChrisSununu @NHPeeps @NH_DOJ @JudiciaryDems And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
NH has the blueprint for the setup.
LLC's, Trusts, Corporate Trusts, Charitable Foundations.
932 Billion of it in Pandora Papers.
We must demand Congress to release the names connected to all of it.
Mike Gill has the plan and it will work.
Apr 5, 2023 22 tweets 33 min read
@REGRVR @PAHAU6 @MikeGil21446788 @kleavittnh @GovChrisSununu @NHPeeps Chuck Douglas = Chair of NH Judicial Selection Committee but put a 13 year old girl back in YDC to be abused after she failed to name her rapist.
His wife is Chair of the NH Lottery. Primary Bank Board member Andrew H Crews of Autofair (Pandora Papers listed) is President... @REGRVR @PAHAU6 @MikeGil21446788 @kleavittnh @GovChrisSununu @NHPeeps The judge in Chuck Douglas' divorce from his 4th wife, was forced to resign for financial misconduct. The judge who was in charge of judicial disciplinary committee: Julie Introcaso - pled guilty to a felony for whiting out judicial documents. Former AG Michael Delaney repped her
Apr 1, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
@artisbrutal2021 FYI - you can trace Gulf Stream back to Jeffrey Epstein. Why is nobody asking Klaus Schwab yet about human trafficking and money laundering by the WEF partners yet?
weforum.org/organizations/… @artisbrutal2021 Coincidentally....so is Sunac just one of Klaus Schwab's puppets?
Mar 31, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
@MikeGil21446788 @PAHAU6 @Grace2Amazing @TheGracieGato See this report about the Northern Border. #NHPolitics ignores (deliberately) the issue of drug trafficking and the northern border with Canada. How obvious does it have to be?
cis.org/Immigration-St… Mike Gill was always right and I'm not sure how much longer the New Hampshire Senators, members of Congress, Governor, AG, & US Attorney for New Hampshire can escape scrutiny. $932.5 billion in #PandoraPapers 300,000 opioid deaths. 2nd biggest arms manufacturer/exporter. Hello?!
Mar 28, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
#Diversity #equity #Inclusion #DEI And, of course, it's all about the money. Just like #MeToo . Just like #TimesUp and it is all performative and divisive, not inclusive. Profiteering 101. @StanfordLaw COME CLEAN NOW on the entire DEI program and foxnews.com/media/colleges…twitter.com/i/web/status/1… @UndercoverMoth9 - once again DEI is all about the money and contracts. Anyone else notice that on April 4, 2011 when Joe Biden introduced the unregulated "Dear Colleague" Title IX letter that all this profiteering racket started, admin swelled, fees swelled, public paid and ROI?
Mar 26, 2023 7 tweets 7 min read
@MikeGil21446788 @PAHAU6 @Grace2Amazing Don't forget too that McLane Middleton (the law firm Michael Delaney comes from and who Shaheen & Hassan want as judge on first circuit) got $4 million in PPP loans and wrote this openly supporting Pandora Papers: mclane.com/insights/the-n… @MikeGil21446788 @PAHAU6 @Grace2Amazing Michael Delaney's wife is legal counsel for the Department of Revenue and legal counsel for CASA NH and he and she have a financial interest in CASA NH but look up CASA NH and you get a Hong Kong Company listing...curious, no?
Mar 19, 2023 10 tweets 17 min read
@elonmusk @zerohedge Then let's clean this up. Start putting pressure on @SenatorShaheen @SenatorHassan @GovChrisSununu To explain the $932.5 billion in #PandoraPapers in New Hampshire and Boston Private Bank in Concord NH = #Silicon_Valley_Bank in California & #PrimaryBank NH in Derry with #FTX @elonmusk @zerohedge @SenatorShaheen @SenatorHassan @GovChrisSununu How much money could be reclaimed if the #PandoraPapers New Hampshire were properly exposed? How much of that money started out in federal grants from federal agencies - the public's money syphoned off into secret trusts etc ?!? nhpr.org/nh-news/2021-1…
Dec 24, 2022 10 tweets 12 min read
@CGasparino @SBF_FTX @FoxBusiness #SBF opened #FTX Europe in Cyprus in 2014. Ukraine relationship started then?
#SBF opened #Innovatia in Cyprus in 2016
#SBF opened #ALAMEDARESEARCH in 2017
#SBF opened #WestRealmShires #FTX in almost every state in 3rd week March 2020. #JoeBiden became presumptive nominee April 8 @CGasparino @SBF_FTX @FoxBusiness #MindTheGap was founded in 2019 by Barbara Fried, Paul Brest & Graham Gottlieb. Graham Gottlieb helped Obama's 2008 & 2012 campaign and worked for US Aid....
"The company FTX, in its bankruptcy filing appears to have held tens-of-billions in American “military aid” to Ukraine."
Dec 20, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The CIA's murder of JFK was not a conspiracy theory.
The FBI's payments to Social Media & Media companies to control a narrative & deny public access to truth, is not a conspiracy theory.
Stanford's involvement in social media manipulation & in Crypto #FTX scam is not a theory. The DOJ's involvement with Stanford is also not a conspiracy theory
Nov 29, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@DueFacts @HeruFresh @LauraBockov @NationalNOW @ChrisFNunes @kattenbarge @Zigmanfreud @cgarrett101 @TIMESUPNOW @SKDK @FGossGraves @nwlc @FBI @TheDUIGuyPlus @Applesa56921865 @SusanBassi They most certainly did and most of it can be looped back to the White House "Not Alone" task force, Valerie Jarrett, Tina Tchen, Roberta Kaplan, Gloria Allred, Laura L Dunn, Michele Dauber, Anita Dunn, SKDK, Precision Strategies, Hill Impact. @DueFacts @HeruFresh @LauraBockov @NationalNOW @ChrisFNunes @kattenbarge @Zigmanfreud @cgarrett101 @TIMESUPNOW @SKDK @FGossGraves @nwlc @FBI @TheDUIGuyPlus @Applesa56921865 @SusanBassi Not one of their "non-profits" would pass the sniff test for the IRS 501 3C rules as far as I can see. How about the 80,000 IRS agents start with the non-profits tied to #MeToo ....follow the money..irs.gov/charities-non-…
Nov 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
A reminder: Jennifer Siebel Newsom contacted Rose McGowan on David Boies behalf to get her to back off Harvey Weinstein who Jennifer Siebel Newsom consulted in 2017 but is now Jane Doe 4 in the current trial v Harvey Weinstein.
news.com.au/entertainment/… Jennifer Siebel Newsom was executive producer of The Hunting Ground which Harvey Weinstein distributed. Why did Jennifer Siebel Newsom want to have her name on a film with Harvey Weinstein about campus sexual assault? It doesn't make sense except that THG was propaganda....