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May 29th 2023
bom dia armys vamo votar no bts pq prêmio nao cai do céu cada um com sua consciencia Image
sigam a @secawards @thenreport e @TOP100KPOP pra os votos serem contabilizados
Eu voto #Face para #AlbumInternacional no #SECAwards 2023!
Read 20 tweets
May 28th 2023
eai amigos vamo votar nos meninos ? bora eh so copiar e colar as tag + rt ❗️👇🏻 Image
sigam a @secawards @thenreport e @TOP100KPOP pra os votos serem contabilizados
Eu voto #RM para #ArtistaAsiatico no #SECAwards 2023!

Read 29 tweets
Apr 4th 2021
Breaking down the genius storytelling of Intro Persona by #RM: Namjoon brilliantly uses his alter-egos to take us on his personal journey to the self, from pre-debut until present-day. ++
#방탄소년단RM #KimNamjoon #김남준 @BTS_twt
#RMverse Image
Namjoon presents us with 5 versions of himself throughout Intro Persona (for now let's call them 'personas', although not all of them are such). Both the lyrics and the visuals of the MV tell us Namjoon's story, how he started, overcame challenges and came to be who he is now. ++ Image
Namjoon's clever interplay between Korean and English shines again in Intro Persona with the sound "na", which in Korean (나) means "me". The self "na" is within the persoNA.
The sound "na" comes 26 times in the song, coincidentally Namjoon's Korean age when it was released! ++ Image
Read 24 tweets
Nov 15th 2020
Voice by RM; an explanatory thread
(explanation is based upon ☁️ admin's interpretation)
The track's music is simple, beautiful and has a sad tone to it. Due it being calm and silently melancholic, a lot of emphasis can be put on Namjoon's amazing rapping that is filled with emotions and poetry. It starts off sad, dull and hopeless and then after turns optimistic.
This song talks about his feelings his school days till the day he created this mixtape, the song starts off with Joon saying that he didn't have any dreams before, and every day continued with the same. He learnt nothing related to his interests, which further confused him.
Read 28 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
Introduction to RM - mixtape by RM - 🌸
God Rap was a hidden song hence it is not present in SoundCloud, please find the download links in the blog attached - 🌸
a link is added to the SoundCloud in the video - 🌸
Read 4 tweets

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