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Jul 4th 2021
In #Hinduism the e concept of #Kuladevata and #Kuldevi is very essential & significant. . Puja of which helps in avoiding all forms of untoward incidents in life. Our #Purvaj or ancestors originated from
from any #Rishi who himself originated from any Devta.
Since Kuldevta and Kuldevi have a direct link with your DNA, they are considered more close to you as compared to other Devtas. In this way they are also your family's first line of defense against negative energies. Regular worship and hom of Kuldevta creates a shield around.
Practice of worshipping them initiated by Our forefathers. Any ceremony is incomplete without their rituals. There are Kuldevta temples where the family has been worshipping for generations .
โ€˜Shri Kuladevatayai Namahaโ€™. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ
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