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⭐️Vedic Rishika's - The Female Scholars of the Vedic Age of India and First Feminists of the World
Who was Vedic Rishika?

#Sanatan #Vedic #Rishi #Rishika #India #Hinduism Image
1. During the Vedic Era women had two paths to practice -
a). Brahmavadini who studied philosophy and theology for the rest of their life
b). Sadyowaha who were students till they are married. Vedic society revered women as equals with respect and modesty of values. Image
2. Brahmavadini was the title attributed to women scholars, who dedicated their lives to the pursuit of knowledge and the study of the Vedas. Some were unmarried, living as ascetics, and independent of their fathers, brothers, or male counterparts. /n

#Hinduism Image
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⭐️Vedic Rishika's - The Female Scholars of the Vedic Age of India and First Feminists of the World
Who was Vedic Rishika?
#Sanatan #Vedic #Rishi #Rishika #India #Hinduism
1. During the Vedic Era women had two paths to practice - 1. Brahmavadini who studied philosophy and theology for the rest of their life 2. Sadyowaha who were students till they are married. Vedic society revered women as equals with respect and modesty of values.
#Hinduism #India #Vedic #Rishsika #RigvedaImage
2. Brahmavadini was the title attributed to women scholars, who dedicated their lives to the pursuit of knowledge and the study of the Vedas. Some were unmarried, living as ascetics, and independent of their fathers, brothers, or male counterparts. They were paragons of intellectual proficiency, natural philosophy, and spiritual enlightenment. They were Rishika's–female sages–in their own right and were revered as teachers, doctors, and theorists.

#Hinduism #India #Vedic #Rishsika #RigvedaImage
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🧵On the revered #Salagrama which is being transported from #Nepal in order to carve the idol of #SriRama at #Ayodhya

Amongst the valued possessions and hallowed objects of worship in a devout Hindu's home, are the Salagramas, those pebble-like objects, smooth to the touch,
spheroid in shape, and black, red, or mixed in colour. That they are, for the most part, a hereditary possession of the family, handed down from generation to generation, is sufficient testimony to the veneration bestowed upon them by our ancients. Not to be bought or sold,
it is a prized gift or dana, and it is given as a valued gift in some places to the bridegrooms along with the bride. The #salagramasila is considered the embodiment of #Vishnu. Its mantra has Shri #Bhagvan for #Rishi or Drashta, and #Narayana as Devata or the object of
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🔴 #RussianUkrainianWar #USA

Pourquoi le plafonnement du prix du pétrole russe c'est la mesure la plus stupide qui soit ?!

Le commerce du pétrole se compose de trois éléments essentiels. Tout d'abord, le producteur, c'est-à-dire celui qui possède la marchandise, ensuite, 🔽 Image
le transporteur, qui achemine le pétrole du producteur au client et ensuite l'assureur. Quelqu'un semble manquer ? Oui, je sais, le client, mais il n'apparaît pas parce qu'il ne compte pas. Avec une telle demande dans le monde, à part ces trois éléments, le reste n'a pas 🔽
vraiment d'importance !

70% du pétrole russe était transporté par des navires grecs ! Plus de 80% de la cargaison a été assurée à #Londres. Une fois les sanctions mises en place, les Occidentaux malins 🤡pensaient avoir porté le coup de grâce aux Russes car ils avaient 🔽
Read 16 tweets

Good day Saurabh.
Would you kindly confirm this?
Much appreciated.

11:35 CET 31 OCT 2022

Perp: Illuminati actor / influencer Saurabh Raj Jain(??)
I just heard a tinnitus while communicating telepathically with SRJ and heard a highpitched tinnitus in my left wear and felt a resultant slight loss of hearing and dullness plus weakness and debility.

I had just left a comment and given the link to my Instagram page about
20 minutes.

I am writing this as I am about to leave my apartment.

---END--- Image
Read 53 tweets
Here we go again! The 1922 committee will stop at nothing to get their man Rishi as PM. What is playing out now is a conspiracy to bring down #Truss by MPs loyal to Rishi supported by the 1922 committee. They will stop at nothing until their man is the leader. 1/10
There is no way Rishi can become Prime Minister without the help and support of the 1922 committee, as they control the rules and the processes to elect a new leader. 2/10
The big problem is that Rishi is not popular with the members who have already rejected him as their leader. So 1922 will have to elect Rishi by blocking member's votes and eliminating them from the leadership campaign. 3/10
Read 11 tweets
Expect lots of warnings today from #TeamRishi about the cost of higher interest rates as the Bank of England (#BoE) hikes.

Three counters...

1. The #tax cuts proposed by #LizTruss are unlikely to have any significant impact on #inflation (they could even help to reduce it)...
2. It's #TeamRishi that's playing at 'fairytale economics' if they think the current ultra-low level of interest rates is normal, healthy or sustainable (most economists agree that fiscal policy is too tight - largely due to #Rishi's tax hikes - and monetary policy is too loose)
3. It is at least right to worry that rising short-term interest rates will add to the cost of public debt. But this simply strengthens the case for the government to lengthen the maturity of borrowing to lock in low rates - as #LizTruss has proposed!

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The man who found Mercury sulphide and invented Soap!

Chakrapāni Dutta
Chakrapāni Dutta was a Ayurveda physician and sanskrit scholar,
He was born in the village of Mayureshwar of Bangal in the Brahmin family.
Chakrapāni discovered mercury sulphide. The credit for inventing soap also goes to him, he used mustard oil and some alkalies as ingredients for making soap.
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In #Hinduism the e concept of #Kuladevata and #Kuldevi is very essential & significant. . Puja of which helps in avoiding all forms of untoward incidents in life. Our #Purvaj or ancestors originated from
from any #Rishi who himself originated from any Devta.
Since Kuldevta and Kuldevi have a direct link with your DNA, they are considered more close to you as compared to other Devtas. In this way they are also your family's first line of defense against negative energies. Regular worship and hom of Kuldevta creates a shield around.
Practice of worshipping them initiated by Our forefathers. Any ceremony is incomplete without their rituals. There are Kuldevta temples where the family has been worshipping for generations .
‘Shri Kuladevatayai Namaha’. 🙏🏼🙏🏼
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1-#Savita is the presiding Deity of the #GayatriMantra,

#Fire (#Agni) is the mouth,

#Vishvamitra is the #Rishi and #Gayatri is the metre.

Gayatri Mantra is recited during the investiture of sacred thread, practice of #Pranayama and #Japa, etc. (1/15)

2-What Gayatri is, the same is #Sandhya, and what Sandhya is, the same is Gayatri.

Sandhya and Gayatri are identical.

He who meditates on Gayatri,

..meditates on Lord #Vishnu, the Supreme Lord of the #Universe. (2/15)

3-A man can repeat the Gayatri Mantra mentally, in all states, even while lying, sitting, walking, etc.

There is no sin of commission or omission of any sort in its repetition.


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