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Oct 2nd 2021
1) La Palma thread for October 2nd.
“We continue at ground zero aboard the #RamonMargalef new lava fall feeding the delta.”

2) “The Volcanological Institute of #Canarias (#Involcan ) has confirmed the opening of a new #foco emission in the fracture generated by the eruption of the volcano of #LaPalma . It joins the two new mouths that emerged at dawn yesterday Friday.”
3) “The European ground observation system #Copernicus calculates, in its latest update, that the area covered by lava in #LaPalma is already 367.3 hectares. So far the lava has destroyed 880 buildings.”
Read 29 tweets
Sep 23rd 2021
🌋A wonderful illustration that will now need some updating

🌋Recent #volcanic eruptions on #LaPalma (until 19 September 2021)

🌋Photo: Sergio Socorro, image: J.C. Carracedo et al.

#CumbreVieja #LaPalmaEruption #lapalmavolcano #geohazards #LaPalmaIslaBonita Image
🌌👨‍🚀 The #LaPalmaVolcano eruption as seen by @esa astronaut @Thom_astro from the International Space Station

#CumbreVieja #volcano #LaPalma #Canarias

Read 4 tweets
Sep 22nd 2021
We've just been taken closer to the volcano where I could feel its heat as well as the relentless thundering noise.
It's an awesome sight but it also gives a clear sense of the destructive forces at work 🌋🇪🇸 #LaPalma #LaPalmaeruption
'Hot mess' seems to pretty much sum up everything here #LaPalma #LaPalmaeruption #lapalmavolcano ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Sep 19th 2021
Volcano eruption in Atlantic Island.
#VolcanLaPalma #VolcandeLaPalma #volcanoEruption
Lava from volcano on La Palma, Canary Islands, destroys houses and forces thousands to evacuate
#LaPalmaeruption #VolcanoLaPalma
Read 10 tweets

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