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Nov 24th 2022
Lachit Borphukan, the great Ahom general who beat back the mighty Mughal army at the Battle of Saraighat and thwarted Aurangzeb's ambition of expanding the Mughal empire into Assam. #LachitBorphukanDiwas
Thread on his Jayanti today.
While a lot is known about the Marathas, and the valor of Shivaji, not much is really known about the Ahoms, and their spirited resistance to the Mughals.
From 1615 when the Mughal Army attacked the Ahom Kingdom to the Battle of Itakhuli in 1682 that saw a decisive Ahom victory, which resulted in the Mughal retreat. #LachitBorphukanDiwas
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Feb 25th 2022
Thread: 1/11

Today @rashtrapatibhvn laid foundation of a war memorial at Alaboi Battle site in #Assam .But how many of us really know that 10,000 brave Ahom soldiers had sacrificed their lives in this battle? Not yr fault,existing education system gets the credit here! ;)) Image

Like other great Kingdoms of #Bharat in that era, the great Ahom Kingdom had also come under several attacks, mostly by the Mughals. But the resistance from the brave Ahoms & mother nature’s blessings had always stood in between the Mughals & their victory. Image

The great Ahom Kingdom had many brave warriors who were known for their unmatched valor. But today the name “Lachit Borphukan” resonates across #Assam with utmost love & respect. To know how brave & skillful he was as a warrior,one has to read abt the Battle of Saraighat. Image
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Jul 1st 2021

Lachit Borphukan, Forgotten HERO of ASSAM.

#ASSAM, with its roots in the word Asama or invincible, denotes how this land held its own, through Indian history. Ruled by the powerful Ahoms for 600 years from the mid 13th century, the Mughals couldn’t touch Assam.
The year was 1671 and the decisive #BattleofSaraighat was fought on the raging waters of the Brahmaputra.
On one side was Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb’s army headed by Ram Singh of Amer (Jaipur) and on the other was the Ahom General Lachit Borphukan
To understand the story of #LachitBorphukan’s triumph over the Mughals, it is important to get some context of the history, geography and politics of Assam. The kingdom of Assam comprised of a stretch of land 600 miles wide, along the banks of Brahmaputra river.
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