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Dec 12th 2022
The #startup world's dirty not-so-secret: most startups fail. Startups are risky and so investors place bets on lots of startups and fold the ones that don't show promise, which sucks for the company employees, but also for the users who depend on the company's products. 1/ The staring eye of HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Cente
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
You know what this is like: you sink a bunch of time into familiarizing yourself with a new product, you spend money on accessories for it, you lock your data into it, you integrate it into your life, and then, one morning - poof! All gone. 3/
Read 48 tweets
Sep 9th 2022
My @Newsweek #TheDiplomat podcast interview with @GreenblattJD went to air this week. If you haven't listened yet, I hope you will. This was a rare opportunity for me to speak of the cold shoulder my wife and I get from Washington in our quest for justice… Image
That @Newsweek/@GreenblattJD interview came on the heels of another rare opportunity to speak about how being suppressed and ignored in Washington feels to parents pursuing American justice. The @J_Insider Jewish Insider #LimitedLiability podcast is here:… Image
Sincere thanks for their fine and worthy work to @BergelTori @jarrodbernstein and @rich_goldberg at @J_Insider.
Read 3 tweets

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