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Aug 23rd 2021
#MMTweet Weekly Review!
Political will is King, so how do we wrestle back the reigns in this country? Start with blasting neoliberal lies about the economy via #MMTruth, water the grassroots we need to win, by nurturing and growing, to keep the pressure where it belongs! The 1%!
Read 13 tweets
Feb 13th 2021
Governments default all the time on their obligations. To the unemployed; to women; to the disabled; to the young; to the aged; to all in poverty; to those facing institutional racism; to the environment. Those are debts which can never be repaid and which we shouldn't tolerate.
Treasury, Reserve Bank of Australia and Money -
Dr Steven Hail (Part 1) @StevenHailAus

Dr. Steven Hail, at an introductory level, describes how the Treasury and the Reserve Bank of Australia operate and interact with one another and the private sector.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 26th 2021
Are you ready to share #MMTruth?
MMT and the Deficit Myth, with
Stephanie Kelton @StephanieKelton
Everything you want to know about Modern Monetary Theory, with
L Randall Wray
Read 4 tweets
Dec 4th 2020
It has never been more important to
share the truth about federal finance!
Neoliberal money myths are crippling us,
and many are suffering, needlessly!
Please add these videos to your
watchlist, and share, share, share! 👇
#ModernMoney #MMTruth #MMTCommunity #MMT
What is the deficit?
What are sectoral balances?…
Read 9 tweets
Dec 2nd 2020
We can afford💲 to help every single person in the USA, as well as
every single business affected by
COVID closures📣.
We need fiscal sanity, NOW!
Please add the links below 👇 to your watchlist, this information is vital! #ModernMoney #MMTruth
#MMTCommunity #MMT Image
Read 5 tweets

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