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Mar 15th 2023
But I am also a digital reticular chemist. Can #GPT4 help me with #MOFs? Asking a very broad and open question about carbon capture.
I don't think ZIF-8 is the best choice, but it knows some basic KPIs and MOFs. Does it know really recent research (…)?
It starts hallucinating (e.g., CALF is "Calgary framework"), and there is no aluminum. Let's ask why it thinks this.
Read 18 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
🌟Looking forward to #MuhuratTrading?

🙌Check out this thread to see what #Trinkerr Experts chose as their top #DIWALIPICKS! ✨

#StockMarket #stocks
@MoneyMystery's #DIWALIPICKS for #MuhuratTrading🎁


💫Checkout his complete #Trinkerr portfolio:
@MarketScientist's #DIWALIPICKS for #MuhuratTrading🎁


💫Checkout his complete #Trinkerr portfolio:
Read 18 tweets
Jan 11th 2019
So here we go again with another take on #365papers 1/365 was a paper I reviewed for J. Nat. Prod. Just crystallography part, but was a lot of work as there were 4 structures and the authors didn't bother to check with the crystallographer before submission.
Let's see if we keep this thread alive. 2/365 in #365papers was an interesting J. Het. Chem. Paper on the synthesis of Hantsch pyridines. Never heard of this before.
3/365 in #365papers was a paper from @EurJIC… on Ni containing Acireductone deoxygenase mimics
Read 105 tweets

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