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Dec 16th 2022
⚠️The curious case of GMM Pfaudler⚠️

"Commitments made in Concalls were never Implemented & company continue to lie. "


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#GMmpfaudler #redflag #corporategovernance
The backstory in Aug-2020, GMM entered into complex transaction involving GMM pfaudler, promoter, DBAG buying out their international parent whuch owns international business

Details of which are summarized below
Most importantly read highlighted in red that stake is locked
Redflag 1
Lock in period?

Post complex transaction in Sept-20 concall Company said promoters (Patel 33% & DBAG 24% stake will be locked in for 3 yrs i.e. till Aug-23)

Same was reiterated in Q2FY23 concall also as asked by @saketreddy
Read 9 tweets
Feb 10th 2022
#GmmPfaudler Q3 2022 Concall Highlights

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Operational Highlights

1. Revenues for Q3FY22 stood at ₹209 Cr from ₹166 Cr in same quarter previous year translating the growth of 26% YoY
2. EBITDA stood at ₹38 Cr with EBITDA margins at 18.1%

Operational Highlights :

1. Order intake in international business continues to remain strong with an increase of around 46% for nine months.
Order intake in India business continues to remain strong with an increase of around 39% for nine months

2. Higher input cost and investment in our new facilities, which are basically Vatva, and Hyderabad has impacted profitability in this quarter
Read 14 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
🌟Looking forward to #MuhuratTrading?

🙌Check out this thread to see what #Trinkerr Experts chose as their top #DIWALIPICKS! ✨

#StockMarket #stocks
@MoneyMystery's #DIWALIPICKS for #MuhuratTrading🎁


💫Checkout his complete #Trinkerr portfolio:
@MarketScientist's #DIWALIPICKS for #MuhuratTrading🎁


💫Checkout his complete #Trinkerr portfolio:
Read 18 tweets
Sep 22nd 2021

#IRCTC > 100% Market share in Rail Network.

#IEX >90% market share in power trading.

#Zyduswellness >90% market share in sugar free product.

#Eichermotors >85% market share in 250cc bikes category.

#MCX >85% market share in commodity trading.

#Coalindia >80% market share in coal production in India.

#ITC >75% market share in cigarettes.

#HondaSiel >75% in portable power generators.

#HindustanZinc >75% market share in primary zinc industry.

#AsahiIndiaGlass >70% market share in automotive glass.

#NRBBearings >70% market share in needle roller bearings.

#Pidilite >65% market share in adhesives.

#CAMS >65% market share in RTA within mutual fund industry.

#TimeTechnoplast >65% market share in polymer based industrial packaging.

Read 10 tweets
Aug 12th 2021
#GMmpfaudler Q1 FY22 YOY

Cons. Exc Merger Adjustments:(In bracket is without adjustments)
Sales up 257%
EBITDA up 200% (up 31%)
Net profit up 58% (made loss)
EBITDA Margin 15% (6.5%)

Big order win from Singapore
Transferring india's lean production model abroad

2/2 (GMM Q1 FY 21 Results)

Standalone results YOY
Sales up 31%
EBITDA up 80%
Order intake up 119%

International business YOY
Sales up 23%
EBITDA up 29%
Order intake up 37%

Excellent Future!
Read 3 tweets
Apr 11th 2021

#IRCTC* 100% Market share in Rail Network.
#IEX* >90% market share in power trading.
#Zydus wellness* >90% market share in sugar free product.
#Eicher motors* >85% market share in 250cc bikes category.
#MCX* >85% market share in commodity trading.
#coalindia India* >80% market share in coal production in India.
#ITC* >75% market share in cigarettes.
#HondaSiel* >75% in portable power generators.
#Hindustan Zinc* >75% market share in primary zinc industry.
#AsahiIndia Glass* >70% market share in automotive glass.
#NRB Bearings* >70% market share in needle roller bearings.
#Pidilite* >65% market share in adhesives.
#CAMS* >65% market share in RTA within mutual fund industry.
#TimeTechnoplast* >65% market share in polymer based industrial packaging.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
This weekend is for me to celebrate. I recovered all my 3 years loss including corona. Let me tell my story. I was doing great till 2017 end. Was part of the small/mid cap rally and in nutshell paid SCG of nearly 3 lakhs. And then things turned around badly 1/n
Then from there I was part of the crash of small/midcap. Portfolio was fully into small stocks which cannot withstand the headwinds. I jumped from one stock to another like a monkey and intensified the loss. 2/n
Then came the election I decided to take advantage of the situation and to recover my loss, I indulged in futures and options during election time. my political predictions were wrong and made huge loss. To put into perspective, I cagr of my 13 years of market became 1-2% 3/n
Read 9 tweets

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