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Jul 7th 2020
1. #JustinTrudeau became Liberal leader in April 2013.

Ever since, it'ss been 7+ years of the @CPC_HQ feeding the basest of its base a daily diet of defamation, lies, character assassination, dehumanization, and demonization.

What did they think would be the result?

2. So...

I am saying it.

I blame @stephenharper, @AndrewScheer, and the @CPC_HQ for this.

I outright lay ALL of this directly at their feet…

#CdnPoli #PartyofHate #CantSayDomesticTerrorism
#RideauHall #ManitobaMan

-2 shotguns
-1 unlicensed revolver
-1 rifle
- ALL loaded
- 1 unlicensed high-capacity magazine
- Military training
- Stated intent to kill/cause bodily harm to the PM of 🇨🇦

This is where 7+ years of @CPC_HQ #AllLiesAlltheTime #24HourRageMachine toxicity leads

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