Douglas Connors - Kindness Is Power (he/him) Profile picture
Political junkie podcaster @TrueEager🦫 (GDI: 1 standard 4 all) Optimist 🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈 Curling Tennis Life's too short to cook w/o cream, bacon, or butter
Sep 2, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
1. #PepperidgeBotFarmsRemembers

Remember when about 14,000 people, allegedly went to Kirkland Lake, and were "buzzing" for PeePee?

Welcome to Part Deux of this... 2. Talk critically about #AlgomaPlantGuy claiming he can't make ends meet while he's raking in way over than $5,000 a month clear (plus bonuses), and suddenly #PepperidgeBotFarms start making a case.

Notice the pattern?

Aug 4, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
1. Pierre has been doing the "What? Who me? Tell me exactly when? Show me the literal words..." thing for so long that journalists should really be coming armed with dates, times, clips to corner him.

But this whole interview is weird AF. 2. A key #PoilievreIsWeird moment occurs when he pretends he STILL does not know what Diagolon is, despite them (it wasn't) 'joking' about raping, his wife.

He's STILL courting them.

[scoff] And he calls a Singh a sellout...

Nov 25, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
@TashaKheiriddin @DavideMastracci @National 1. I concur.

There is absolutely no doubt that you are **not** a human rights activist (BTW why not? Shouldn't we all be; at least a bit? Y'know.. Given we're humans, but I digress...) @TashaKheiriddin @DavideMastracci @National 2. Uh-huh...

You keep telling yourself that that's what your doing (as if Black people and Canadians of African heritage can't see you)

And to do that, you spent a few hours researching horrors going on in Sudan, and then used that research not to call for action on Sudan...
Nov 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is so disingenuous, it's not even funny.

Exploiting the tragedy of others for the sole purpose of bashing the left is now the CPC calling card.

I remember Tasha before she took a slip 'n' slide down the rabbit role.

I respected her then. RE: Actual #VirtueSignalling looks like ⬆️

Suddenly caring about people in country you've never once mentioned since joining Xitter in [checks her profile] February, 2010!!!

Then using it to attack an opponent.

Fed up with the hypocrisy indeed.

Nov 18, 2023 19 tweets 8 min read
@MyNoseBegins @CamGuthrie @SeanFraserMP 1. Respectfully...


Try again.

You do not know how it works.

And you don't know how we got here.

It's important to #KnowYourHistory

But #ILikeToHelp

Image @MyNoseBegins @CamGuthrie @SeanFraserMP 2. The Chrétien-Martin Liberals austerity push to get the nation's finances in shape, pretty much killed all initiative.

And because (other than for Indigenous people on reserve) housing NEVER was primarily the federal government's lane, it had few levers to make it happen. Image
Jan 13, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read

1. So, here's the thing I don't understand.

If hospital and ICU space is nearly completely maxed out...

Omicron is still spreading, and since we can't calculate the r number, we don't really know how much of it there is... 2. And, in that context we send kids, -- 0% of whom are vaccinated, if they are 0 to 5 years of age, with only ~4% of those 5 to 12 double vaxxed -- back to daycare and school, knowing a certain percentage of them will be infected...
Jan 11, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
1. So, #Novax #Djokovic's family held a press conference, claiming the anti-vax tennis player was fighting for "personal choice".

Funny, I thought that this was about him fighting to be able to play in the #AustralianOpen. 2. But when the family was asked specifically about #Djokovic's public appearances on December 17th, the day after he found out he was COVID+ (FOR THE SECOND TIME!!!)...

Oh, well then, the family didn't want the attention of cameras anymore and adjourned the press conference.
Oct 3, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
1. Yesterday, I had an experience online, that left me feeling very small.

September 30th, was the very first #NationalDayforTruthandReconciliation, and I'm pretty sure the overwhelming majority of us can agree that #CdnMediaFailed us by playing "Where's Waldo-Trudo?". 2. And IMHO, this unfortunate taking away of the platform from the Indigenous community was made possible, in part surprising less meticulous than usual standard planning, communications, and expectations management by the PMO.
Oct 2, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
1. To my Twitter friends with whom I am exchanging on the issue of #Tofino, I asked you to remember that I am commenting from the viewpoint political communications strategy, and therefore that my critique of the Prime Minister and the PMO is strictly about that aspect. 2. I haven't suddenly gone rogue, and I'm not claiming that he's a phony.

I'm simply pointing out where there were planning, communications, and expectation management failings, and how things could have been done better.
Aug 29, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1. The person taking over our apartment had asked us to leave our air conditioner and that she would buy it from us for $200.

She has confirmed several times.

Today, she let us know that she had found one at a better price and would not be taking it after all. 2. Of course, during the nearly TWO MONTHS we set it aside for her, she didn't tell us she was looking for a better deal.

Now she says she looked for another one when she didn't hear back from us for a week, but yesterday she confirmed she'd be sending us they money for it.
Aug 29, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1. #HomeOwnership Update

The ceilings in two rooms are now fully painted, two coats, and they don't look half bad.

I may actually be able to do this.

We've had to stop painting for a bit to start moving furniture. 2. It is near impossible to find a rental vehicle or moving van, but we managed to find a flatbed truck... However, we only have it until 5 p.m. today. I'd say we have about two more full loads, but we'll have to take the bed apart to get it downstairs.

That'll be a big job.
Aug 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1. Losing people (either through death and just life taking them away to other opportunities) is rough.

First, there has been a LOT of death (almost all of it, non-COVID-related) in my circle of friends/acquaintances over the past year.

But also over the past short while... 2. People I cherish have moved on or are moving on to other opportunities.

My friend Chris moved to Ireland after obtaining his Ph.D., just before COVID hit, and is now with his parents in the U.A.E.
Aug 27, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
1. The campaign so far:

EOT: Trust me, I'll lead a moderate government, just like Trudeau's, (although my MPs will rarely vote with me) that will promise you everything and balance the books

#Elxn44 #CdnPoli 2. JS: Trust me, I would have done more of everything Trudeau and the Liberals did, but only faster and better. Besides you can't trust Trudeau to do anything at all he promises he'll do. He never follows through.
Aug 27, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
1. I think I have come to the conclusion/realization that we had a pretty much move-in ready house and we've pretty much spent the week vandalizing it in an effort to personalize it and make it perfect. 2. Painting a whole house is too big a job for a relative newbie like me. And yesterday, we got samples of the paint colour upon which we agreed (after no fewer than 6 days debating them)... and ALL of them are awful!!
Jul 8, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
1. A group of self-selected ultra-militant francophones have decided the first ever appointed GG (a position about which they've never cared because it represents the English Queen) of Indigenous heritage in our history is an insult to them because she doesn't (yet) speak French. 2. Since 1959, Canada has adopted a convention of alternating nominations from our 2 main linguistic groups.

BTW, when Georges Vanier became the 1st francophone GG, similar determined to be unhappy ultra-militants labelled him « Vanier vendu »/«Vanier fou de la Reine »
Jul 6, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1. Got my second shot of moderna. Was starting to feel the side effects. Decided to get a pizza rather than go to bed without food. Locked myself out. Then it started to rain. Got caught in it, when all I wanted to do was go to bed. 2. Called, texted, emailed, my landlord, but he wasn't checking for messages this evening oh, so I sat slightly sheltered from the rain storm for 3 hours, before resolving myself to book a hotel.
Feb 18, 2021 12 tweets 13 min read
1. @ErinOToole is fixated on #China as a bad global actor.

That's fine.

However, on this issue, he keeps stupidly, demanding #PMTrudeau extend his neck for his (and Canada's) decapitation.

#CdnPoli 2. First, one never confronts #China, alone, walking in chin up/ass out.

You get knocked on your ass.

#CdnPoli #ErinOToole #ErringErrin #PoliticalSuicide…
Feb 16, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
1. There's a HUGE difference between legitimately critiquing the government/offering solutions to make things better and actively trying to hinder progress/convincing Canadians they are in more danger than they really are (aka lying).

#CdnPoli 2. With the temporary vaccine production slowdown, our nation's opposition parties (including, surprisingly, the "we do politics differently @CanadianGreens) have slipped into doing more of the latter than the former.

This is unhelpful and it needs to stop.

Feb 16, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Does anybody know of any home remedies to relax muscles?

I've had a pinched nerve in my neck/clavicle/jaw for about two weeks now.

It is excruciatingly painful and I am starting to go crazy from the searing pain when it acts up. RE: ⬆️

Thanks for all the good advice, friends.

Current look: I've got a bag of frozen cherries that I use for smoothies wrapped in a dish towel tied to me with a scarf.


#WalkWalkFashionBaby! Image
Feb 16, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
1. This is a great international leadership initiative by Canada that, though it did not at all mention #China, had #DishonourableChina leaping out its seat to protest.

Someone appears to feel 'targeted' by this; hmmm, #GuilyConscience, perhaps? 😘

#CdnPoli 2. “Let me tell you what this declaration is. It is a statement by 58 countries that the practice of #ArbitraryDetention is totally unacceptable. It goes against human rights and it is immoral and it has to stop." - Cdn Foreign Affairs Min. Marc Garneau.…
Feb 6, 2021 10 tweets 6 min read
1. Those who do not have to #MaketheToughCall have the luxury of being sanctimonious about #PMTrudeau, upon learning of yet more #Moderna delays, going to Plan D (?!?) to access the portion #COVAX that serves as an emergency bank in exchange for the ~$440M we've put in.

#CdnPoli 2. But when you do have to #MaketheToughCall in an emergency, we all know the rule is "First secure your own mask before you help others."

We are NEVER told anything different.

#PMTrudeau is doing that which he needs to do so that we secure our own mask.
