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Mar 7th 2021
Surely @OptaJoe have to change this definition?

How can you classify a cross-shot as not a shot on target if it’s stopped by the GK but as a shot on target if it goes in!

Surely this definition screws up their ExG model? It’s artificially removing nongoal shots?!

#FPLCommunity Image
Surely any ball with a trajectory such that it would be a goal without a GKs intervention must be a shot on target & a save or at least a save & a “cross on target” if for some reason you want to make two separate categories to distinguish the two.

#PremierLeague #FPL
I didn’t realise Opta had such an odd definition until #MartinezGate

I understand potentially why you wouldn’t want to call it a “shot” but it has to be consistent


if saved = save
if goal = cross on target

You cant have them be shots on target if goals but not if saves!
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