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Sep 2nd 2021
Let’s continue. Biden, @marty_walsh, Flynn via ‘insurrection’ brought The McChrystal Group into the Federal Government to train federal employees.

“WWC Global, McChrystal Group, & Partner Forces Align to Bring Leadership Training to the Federal Workforce”


$82 mil
“recently launched a partnership with government contracting firm Partner Forces & the McChrystal Group — run by former Gen. McChrystal — to offer leadership programs to federal government employees, including training to get the most out of their teams.’
“Our military has a legacy of storied units & formations, recorded achievements and a culture of service to the nation. Unfortunately, our govt’s recent history witnessed a lack of interagency process, an exodus of expertise, disruptive shutdowns & a rapid decrease in morale” SM Image
Read 4 tweets
Apr 1st 2019
What happened to Michael Hastings @JohnBrennan? #WeRemember
For those wondering why the random post, pass by this tree often and for years someone keeps placing a flag at base of tree because: this was not an accident.
Read 16 tweets
Jun 2nd 2018
Brennan, Obama’s “fix it” man. #WeRemember
“we will pick up where you left off”
Read 7 tweets
Feb 5th 2018
Sorry for the rant but #MichaelHastings deserves justice he was being investigated by the FBI at the time of his death, all things old deserve new light. #WeRemember
Obama appointee at DHS suggests to the "team" that maybe they should just call #MichaelHastings to help him understand the mission. One year later he was dead.
Attn: @MercedesBenz do your vehicles normally become engulfed in flames with minimal front end damage? Also do your engines fly through the air? #Askingforafriend #MichaelHastings
Read 10 tweets

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