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May 1st 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: When you hear "fintech," think "unlicensed bank"; and more!

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1/ A stately, columnated bank ...
Tomorrow (May 2) at 7PM, I'll be at the Cedar Hills Crossing (#PDX) @Powells with @waxy:…

2/ Image
When you hear "fintech," think "unlicensed bank": "...with a computer."

3/  Image: Andre Carrotflower ...
Read 34 tweets
Apr 30th 2018
#WHCD #MichelleWolf #SarahSanders #WhiteHouseCorrespondentsDinner

Fuck this whole conversation about "what happened" to Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I'm tired of reading and hearing about the "outrage" over what was "done to her" at the White House Correspondence Dinner.
At this time, when there is so much violence, psychological and emotional, being perpetrated against the black, queer, and female body by the Trump administration, I really don't have time for people worried about a few jokes told at a dinner.
When I think of those travesties that Sanders calls "press conferences", this administration doesn't need a dinner, it needs a tribunal.
Read 6 tweets
Apr 29th 2018
If you're offended by #MichelleWolf's #WHCD remarks, but you're not offended at the genitalia-grabbing, serial liar and his cadre of predators in the White House who are making America a global punchline—it may be a case of terminal hypocrisy.
And as harsh as her comments might have been, let's not make a false equivalency here. This is the point.

Wolf saying rude things—isn't her "becoming the other side." It isn't the same as being the people in power who actually create legislation that damages people.
I wouldn't have gone there, but it's astounding that people who support this Administration can feign offense, while it does such offensive things to the people of this country. This should merit outrage.
Read 6 tweets

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