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Oct 28th 2019
Little Nitpick on the Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower Memoirs: Both Wylie and Kaiser make the same mistake and use “testify” in their books when they describe their appearances to parliaments. But you “give evidence” because you’re not actually under oath. #Targeted #Mindf_ck
Parliaments just assumed witnesses would never dare. That is until Alexander Nix came along and misled Parliament, the ICO… I’d assume US authorities also…although that’s not public unlike UK enquiry. Congressional testimony involves an oath but not all hearings are under oath.
Wylie testified before Congress. Kaiser was subpoenaed by Mueller and like Wylie, Kaiser cooperated with numerous investigations. They describe this cooperation with various investigations in their books. Wylie delivered binders to Congress. Kaiser delivered hard drive to FBI.
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Oct 22nd 2019
Cambridge Analytica LLC was an anonymous shell company abandoned in bankruptcy court. FTC can’t even serve a subpoena.

It’s only because of reporters and whistleblowers that we all know who actually owns it.
This is one of my favorite passages from @chrisinsilico’s #Mindf_ck
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Oct 4th 2019
NEW: Excerpt in @NYMag from @chrisinsilico’s forthcoming book #Mindf_ck: Cambridge Analytica and the Plot to Break America…
“The [Palantir] staff suggested to Nix that if Cambridge Analytica gave them access to the harvested data, they could then, at least in theory, legally pass it along to the NSA.” #Mindf_ck #TheGreatHack…
“…we used focus groups and qualitative observation to…learn what people cared about — term limits, the deep state, draining the swamp, guns, and the concept of walls to keep out immigrants were all explored in 2014, years before the Trump campaign.” #Mindf_ck
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