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Thread: I seldom post about anything personal, but I am incandescent with rage. My 4.5-year-old at school is being bullied and called names for being dusky. #colourism is a serious problem in India- she doesn't want to go to school because she was told she is "dark & scary"
This is not the first time- 6 months ago we brought this to the teacher's attention. This is one of the most expensive, private, Montessori, alternative schools in Pune. We shared a copy of @Lupita_Nyongo's Sulwe and asked the teachers to address this issue.
@Lupita_Nyongo For those who haven't read #Sulwe, it's a beautiful story about colourism in an African nation. Very similar to #India where a darker skinned person is called names. School is no longer a psychological space envrionment for my toddler and from loving school she's refusing to go.
Read 8 tweets
Dwayne @TheRock Johnson Makes Historic Rap Debut (EXCLUSIVE)
Dwayne @TheRock Johnson has conquered the box office, the wrestling ring, TV ratings and tequila sales — now, is he about to dominate the charts?

Johnson’s about to make history with his rap debut on @TechN9ne’s new single, “Face Off.”
“A lot of my friends who are hip-hop artists — like big names — I’ve been asked a few times. But it just has to feel right,” Johnson says. “When Tech texted me, I knew I would make this work. We’re aligned, just in terms of our work ethic and desire.”
Read 15 tweets

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