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Mar 31st 2023
A thread 🧵

I am a big superhero fan, so here is a MidJourney V5 prompt that creates cool black-and-white comic/manga-style images

Prompt in the ALT

Note: Remove "disheveled hair, fierce eyes, moody expression" for masked heroes.

Is that a bird? It's Superman!

#superman Manga-style Superman: Black...Manga-style Superman: Black...
Gamora, The Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy.
#MidJourney #gamora Manga-style Gamora: Black a...Manga-style Gamora: Black a...
The liberator of Kahndaq, Black Adam.

#MidJourney #blackadam Manga-style Black Adam: Bla...Manga-style Black Adam: Bla...
Read 10 tweets
Nov 3rd 2022
Habemus Numbers!!!
During #WBD’s Q3 2022 Earnings Report (JUL-SEP), it’s unveiled 2.8M boost in global DTC subscriptions, citing #HouseOfTheDragon as the main catalyst, but coming below #WallStreet’s 3.3M estimates, reaching 94.9M total #HBOMax+#HBO+#DiscoveryPlus subscribers
1/ Image
According to #WBD, total subscriptions in the US grew 500k, to 53.5M subscribers, and an ARPU of $10.66, a +1.1% increase
Meanwhile overseas markets were the main driver in subscriptions growth, adding 2.3M on Q3 2022, for a 41.4M international total,with an ARPU of just $3.68
Streaming and subscriptions alone were responsible for 2.3B in revenue, -6% compared to Q3 2021.
Ads revenue more than doubled to $106M, as #HBOMax Ad-tier keeps growing in subscribers.
Even so, overall streaming Costs increased +22% to almost 3B, putting DTC -634M in the red.
Read 18 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
@TheRock The hierarchy of review will change, with my official review of #BlackAdam for your reading pleasure!!! Check out the thread and good reading!
@TheRock The so-called DCEU has been a mess for a long time. After sabotaging Zack Snyder's (great and superior) plans for this shared universe, the "Hope & Optimism" Team formed by Geoff Johns and John Berg swam and died on the beach, especially after the disgrace of 'JOSStice League.
But the plans had followed, “led” by the incompetent Walter Hamada. After Discovery bought WB, what fans wanted was someone to put this shared universe back into focus, but no one imagined that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson would be one of those people.
Read 45 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
Henry Cavill wore the #Superman suit from #ManofSteel for #BlackAdam:

“I chose that one in particular because of the nostalgia attached to the suit...It was incredibly important to me to be standing there and enjoying that moment" Image
Zack Snyder sent a video to Henry Cavill asking him to reflect on the early flying scenes in #ManofSteel and noted: "I can't wait to work with you again" Image
Henry Cavill responded to Zack Snyder's video by saying, “He’s a lovely man, and I am enormously appreciative for everything he’s done for me" Image
Read 6 tweets
Oct 19th 2022
DC Films Boss Walter Hamada Has Departed Studio As Warner Discovery Finalizes Exit: The Dish…
After 15 years at Warner Bros and four as the president of DC Films, Walter Hamada has left the Burbank, CA lot. Sources tell Deadline the exec waits for the senior Warner Bros Discovery brass to finalize his exit payout…
Hamada has run DC since 2018, and re-upped in January 2021 with a contract that was supposed to take him through 2023
Read 9 tweets
Oct 17th 2022
Excited for #BlackAdam? Here is some recommended reading before the movie, follow the thread for more!
Lets begin with the beginning: The Marvel Family #1 (1945), by C.C. Becker and Otto Binder, was the newest magazine from the Captain Marvel Family, which introduced the anti-hero/nemesis, as his origin and the origins of the Marvel family, #BlackAdam
In 1977, years after DC got Fawcett, the official and direct sequel of that story would be publish on Shazam! #28, in the story 'The Return of Black Adam' by E. Nelson Bridwell (writer) & Kurt Schaffenberger (art). #BlackAdam
Read 26 tweets
Oct 13th 2022
And because we are here already... lets check out these 4 tie-ins. #BlackAdam
Starting with: HAWKMAN! The bastardization of Kryptonite, tho, not nice. #BlackAdam
Interesting: apparently the JSA was a public team. And nice connections with Shazam, besides The Rock didn't want a crossover before he faces Superman. #BlackAdam
Read 38 tweets
Sep 28th 2022
Imagine being one of those individuals who have recently threatened my life, threatened my life because they think i’m not real & finally it all starts becoming crystal clear to them who they threatened …

Imagine being one of those who tried doing whatever It took to
“Expose” me all these years & it all becomes clear as day to them they showed their true colors to The Son ..

This whole time all I have wanted to do was be love, FORGIVE & Show Mercy but so many just continued poking the Lion —#Why? ..

Since DAY 1, everyone has been SHOWING
& making it all so easy to see—#WHY?
So it prevented the people from doing what so many have, followed infiltrators being mislead, threw away the son, treated their fellow man like garbage & fell into so many traps that have lead to MANY being stuck in Quicksand not knowing how
Read 14 tweets
Sep 7th 2022
A new era of the Justice Society has begun. #BlackAdam
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Aug 11th 2022
Another cool shot of #BlackAdam from Vanity Fair. i'm genuine enjoying the interview so far, maybe the movie brings something some substantial than the trailers shows so far. Image
BTW, they confirmed the original Red Tornado in the film!!! NICE. #BlackAdam
If #BlackAdam is the movie what will bring back to the level of excelence of the begining of DCEU/Snyderverse we don't know, but for sure they are aiming for that specific era for approach and marketing. [+]
Read 4 tweets
Aug 4th 2022
David Zaslav revealed a cohesive plan for the future of DC:

“We’ve restructured the business where we are going to focus, where there is going to be a team with a ten-year plan focusing just on DC...It’s very similar to the Disney"
"We think we can build a much stronger, sustainable growth business out of DC,” said Zazlav. “As part of that, we are going to focus on quality. We are not going to release any film before it’s ready…DC is something we can make better"
David Zaslav touted a number of DC films coming up, including #BlackAdam, #Shazam Fury of the Gods and #TheFlash, and addressed rumors that some of those films could shift dates without confirming or denying moves
Read 5 tweets
Jul 21st 2022
Tom Cruise is set to receive more than $100m from the global box office success of #TopGunMaverick, making him the highest-earning actor in Hollywood…
The action sequel has grossed about $1.2bn worldwide, with Cruise set to reap dividends from ticket sales and a future share of home entertainment and streaming revenue on top of his fees as producer and star
Cruise’s base salary is believed to be much lower than some other stars.

Will Smith was reportedly paid $35m for his latest film, #Emancipation, and Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt will be earning $30m for forthcoming productions
Read 11 tweets
Jul 4th 2022
#AdaoNegro #BlackAdam
Amanhã (5 de julho) será lançada oficialmente a primeira de uma série de one-shots intitulada "Black Adam - The Justice Society Files" focada e ambientada no mundo de Adão Negro, especialmente nas histórias de origem dos membros da Sociedade da Justiça.
Além de 48 páginas dedicadas a cada um, também haverá 4 quadrinhos de backup, trazendo detalhes importantes da história de Teth-Adam, "a medida que ele alcança seus Destino de se tornar o protetor brutal de Kahndaq".
Read 19 tweets
Jun 16th 2022
Our Father (2022)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Image
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero (2022)
⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ Image
The Office Season 2
⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ Image
Read 84 tweets
Jun 11th 2022
Fantastic Beast: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Image
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ Image
Il sole negli occhi (1953)
⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ Image
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Jun 7th 2022
On JUNE 8th
The hierarchy of power shifts in the DC Universe.
Our World Premier Trailer Drops
#RageAgainstTheDyingOfTheLight Image
The world needed a hero

It got Black Adam

World premiere trailer of #BlackAdam⚡️ drops TODAY.

Hierarchy of power in the DC Universe will change.

Only In Theaters October 21
@DCComics Image
Black Adam - Official Trailer 1

4K 🔴

The world needed a hero

It got Black Adam

Only In Theaters October 21
@DCComics Image
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May 11th 2022
Sonic 2 (2022)
⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ Image
Loin du périph (2022)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Image
Senior Year (2022)
⭐️⭐️😂 Image
Read 72 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
A quick thread of all things DC Film show at #CinemaCon 2022
First, general consensus of mine: was a solid presentation. The dual release doesn't rub well with the exibitors and they need desperatly need to get their trust back. Lots of investiment to say without saying that there is no way to go back to the dual release model. #CinemaCon
Now: #TheBatman got a sequel!!! Again, the point is to please the exibitors. Reeves was early today saying the importance of the movie was exibit first at the Cinemas, and this is the first major hit of WB post-pandemic. Everybody is happy, from all sides. #CinemaCon
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Feb 11th 2022
Well... lets talk about this.
#TheBatman looks dope, but needs nothing else to hype us more than we already had. Surprised for see finish shots of #AquamanAndTheLostKingdom, even for literally 2 frames of it.
#BlackAdam is EASILY the most exicitng thing for this trailer, and the one what had most shots. I was already hyped as a SJA fan, but damn, this looks amazingly good. Will be great see the full trailer together with #TheBatman.
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Dec 31st 2021
Lets begin!!! A quick #DCRetrospective2021 highlighting the main events and themes of the page this year! lets do this!
The year of 2021 starts with the terrific movie 'Batman: Soul of The Dragon'! Right after the sad departure of Dennis O'Neil, this animated movie is a terrific homage to the legacy he created with batman and DC Comics overall #DCRetrospective2021
February 2021 marks the arrival of #SupermanAndLois! The series show to be a game-changer production in CW, besides have problems of approach. Is a toned-down contemporary Superman what pleases the purists, but keeps the ball high. #DCRetrospective2021
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Oct 16th 2021
🧵Hilito con algunas cositas lindas de la #DCFanDome
⚡ La Roca presentó un hermoso y poderoso 1er vistazo de #BlackAdam y dijo que nació para ese personaje.
⚡ Estas son algunas de las imágenes que se pueden ver en el first look de #BlackAdam y la verdad que le queda muy bien a La Roca.

#DCFanDome ImageImageImageImage
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Oct 8th 2021
Dwayne @TheRock Johnson Makes Historic Rap Debut (EXCLUSIVE)
Dwayne @TheRock Johnson has conquered the box office, the wrestling ring, TV ratings and tequila sales — now, is he about to dominate the charts?

Johnson’s about to make history with his rap debut on @TechN9ne’s new single, “Face Off.”
“A lot of my friends who are hip-hop artists — like big names — I’ve been asked a few times. But it just has to feel right,” Johnson says. “When Tech texted me, I knew I would make this work. We’re aligned, just in terms of our work ethic and desire.”
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Oct 6th 2020
JUST IN: WB shifts release dates:
#Dune is now 10/1/21
#TheMatrix4 is now 12/21/21
#TheBatman is now 3/4/22
#TheFlash is now 11/4/22
#Shazam2 is now 6/2/23
#BlackAdam goes undated
WB event pics dated for 6/3/22 & 8/5/22
As of now, #WW84 is still arriving this Christmas.
With all the shifts from WB, here is an updated snapshot of the major theatrical releases arriving in 2020, 2021 and 2022, as of 10/6/20.
*Note Feb/March 2022 w/ Thor: Love and Thunder, The Batman and Doctor Strange 2 all within weeks of each other
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