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May 2nd 2020
#Gold was discovered in #Molega in June 1886, reportedly by two men from nearby #Brookfield, Robie Hunt and Hubert Spidel.
Check out this history of mining in the area!
#nspoli #cbpoli #novascotia
@GordonWilsonLNS @BernJordanMP @RegionofQueens #queenscounty #nshistory @LHNOWnews ImageImage
There was a rush of prospectors into the area, which is in #QueensCounty between the #Molega and Ponhook lakes. Molega quickly grew from a population of a dozen to over a thousand, and four general stores, a school and three hotels were built within a few years.
#nspoli #cbpoli Image
Work in 1886 exposed several #gold-bearing quartz veins and mining began.
#nspoli #cbpoli #novascotia Image
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