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Jan 21st 2021
It seems like we have a new divide. And I understand why. I also understand that we cannot return to practices that lead to cyclical repeats of systemic injustice.
To that end we need a few friendly reminders:
1. Twitter is not lobbying or voter registration or the voting booth.
2. Money talks and bs walks.
3. Diversify your activism portfolio--collective legal action is important, local activism, commit to shaping your local politics your state legislatures, judicial appointments and executive branches.
4. Get people who are passionate but civically apathetic to get registered. We have too many people who can vote and do not.
5. Felons who have served their time and pay taxes should be voting. (Don't get in my going for what will get mass appeal.)
6. Organize and act.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 25th 2020
Join me in calling for an audit of every fucking ballot cast in KY. Prove to me that this complete monster, traitor, and gravedigger of democracy won by almost 20 points (over 417,000 votes) when he did not campaign and was projected to come within just a few points of McGrath.
This was not simply R voters in KY voting along party lines. Mitch was the most public face of Trump’s treason; proudly referring to himself as the “grim reaper” of bills to help Americans; & we succeeded in flipping seats in equally red states. This needs to be looked at.
This man has obstructed every piece of legislation from benefitting Americans for decades while his home state of KY remains poor, uneducated, and dilapidated. He blocked Obama from telling America about Russia’s attack in 2016. He’s a traitor.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 31st 2019
"McConnell brought this opprobrium on himself. Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) hit the nail on the head when he declared Tuesday that "so long as the Senate GOPs prevent legislation from reaching the floor;"…
"so long as they oppose additional appropriations to the states; so long as they malign election security provisions as ‘partisan wish lists,’ the critics are right to say Leader McConnell and Republican Senators are blocking election security. Because at the moment that’s true.”
"Well, at least he didn’t call him Moscow Mitch. McConnell just hates being called Moscow Mitch."
#MoscowMitch #MoscowMitchMustGo #PushMitch4ElectionSecurity
Read 3 tweets

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