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May 27th 2022
Hello Friday and the week to date!

Week to date

$NATGAS +10.05%
$COFFEE +5.0%
$WTIC +3.45%
$GASO +2.8%
$LUMBER +2.35%
$COPPER -0.35%
$WHEAT -2.2%

$EUR +1.6%
$GOLD +0.3%
$USD -1.25%
$BTC -4.1%

$SPX +4.0%
$CAC +2.0%
$SSEC -0.75%
$KOSPI -1.0%

$TLT +0.25%

Let's dig into the๐Ÿงฎ!
Asia finished the week on an โ†—๏ธ๐ŸŽต

$NIKK 26782 +0.65%
$SSEC 3130 +0.25%
$TWII 15266 +1.85%
$HIS 20683 +2.8%
$KOPSI 2638 +1.0%
$IDX 7026 +2.05%

Australia โ†—๏ธ
$ASX 7183 +1.1%

India โ†—๏ธ
$BSE 54865 +1.15%
Europe building on weekly gains โ†—๏ธ at the open

$DAX 14332 +0.7%
$FTSE 7573 +0.1%
$CAC 6472 +0.95%
$AEX 697 +0.65%
$IBEX 8909 +0.25%
$MIB 34575 +0.1%
$SMI 11555 +0.55%
$MOEX 2431 +0.75% ๐Ÿช†

$VSTOXX 25.66๐Ÿ”ป
Read 11 tweets
Apr 1st 2022
Hello Friday at the 1st day of April!

Since there's no trading allowed on the Fool's ๐Ÿƒ Day, let's review the month-end and quarter-end ๐Ÿงฎ!
๐ŸŒŠ rough seas, for sure, but equity volatility declined into month-end (m) but remained ๐Ÿ›— for the quarter (q)

$VIX 20.81 -9.34 pts (m), +3.59 puts (q)
The $NIKK +4.88% (m), -3.37% (q) was the best performing developed market

$SPX +3.6% (m), -4.95% (q)
$COMPQ +3.4% (m), -9.1% (q)
$CAC +0.02% (m), -6.9% (q)
$DAX -0.3% (m), -9.25% (q)
$HSI -2.87% (m), -5.7% (q)
$KOSPI +2.15% (m), -7.4% (q)
$SSEC -6.05% (m), -10.65% (q) โฌ…๏ธ
Read 17 tweets

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