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Nov 6th 2020
Was it not in this country that rising to take a strong stand that young women who went to school and were abducted deserved the justice of rescue by their @NGRPresident and @NigeriaGov , earned one attacks, falsehoods, impugning, arrest and detention? It’s their way. Just stand!
They lied to you that reason I, your fellow citizen was determined for #JusticeOfRescue to be given abducted children is “she wants to be minister”, “she’s looking for attention”, “she was hired as a consultant to embarrass xyz “, “ she is angry at xyz”.
You foolishly believed.
The total lack of cognitive ability or unwillingness to connect-the-dots and see through all the lies that the two administrations of the @NigeriaGov and their allies have hurled at your fellow citizens for daring to #SpeakUp for #ChibokGirls will remain a wonder to me. Na waa.
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