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Apr 20th 2020
Truth concealed by Godi Media & @BJP4India to give communal turn to unfortunate lynching on 16.4.20
1. There are no Muslims in GadChinchle. All are Adivasis
2. Village is a bastion of BJP
3. 2 more attacks in vicinity in 4 days. Reason a rumour of thieves
On 14.4.20 at 21.00 hrs at Village Sarani, Kasa police stn, Palghar- villagers had restrained 2 doctors who were returning from dahanu, they pelted stones on police & damaged police vehicles. 4 policemen suffered injuries.13 ppl were arrested on15th april
On 17/4/20 at 22.30 hrs in Jhai village, Gholwad Dist Palghar- villagers gathered in the night to beat up an village outsiders who was mentally unstable believing him to be a thief. Total 31 people have been arrested in this case.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 19th 2020
2 Sadhus and 1 driver in presence of police got lynched by a bloodthirsty mob at #Palgarh Maharashtra.
No outrage like Dadri
They are HINDU saints & not a Muslim Mohammad Akhlaq or Chor Tabrej
Maharashtra is governed by Sonia Sena ImageImageImage
Entire incident is caught on camera. Cops are witnesses but not a single prestitute is gone to cover their story.
Nobody has met the families of Sadhus OR the driver.
No one has named and shamed the mob.
Why are HINDU lives so cheap?
What is the missing link?
The hand that was supposed to protect him pushed him in the centre of blood thirsty mob.
There was a whole battalion of cops. Not a single policeman came to the defence of a frail 70 yr old sadhu.
Let's us all hang our heads in shame.
Police are as culpable as the mob
#Palghar Image
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