No outrage like Dadri
They are HINDU saints & not a Muslim Mohammad Akhlaq or Chor Tabrej
Maharashtra is governed by Sonia Sena

Nobody has met the families of Sadhus OR the driver.
No one has named and shamed the mob.
Why are HINDU lives so cheap?
What is the missing link?
There was a whole battalion of cops. Not a single policeman came to the defence of a frail 70 yr old sadhu.
Let's us all hang our heads in shame.
Police are as culpable as the mob

The Sadhus were not murdered bcoz of mistaken identity
They were killed bcoz of their identity
Make no mistake it was a Hate Crime
Why did it take 72 hours for Maha Govt to act.
Who is giving cover to the mobocrats
Is it bcoz of the demography of
#Palghar area is a Christian conversion hotspot
Also NGO Maoist hotbeds
If you watch the video the language spoken is not Marathi
The 5 main accused are activists of CPM.Mob waa instigated by CPM leaders and the entire incident was pre-planned
Area is also a hotbed of Christian missionary who poison the tribals to further their agenda
As per Zee News Kashinath Choudhary NCP and 3 leaders frm CPM were present with d mob
Hindu saints murdered by communist-jihadi combine: Sr SC lawyer Amitabh Sinha.
Sometime back illegal Bangladeshis were caught living in #Palghar
Local MLA of NCP & Communist party were allegedly seen instigating d crowd.
Cops handed saffron clad sadhus to d frenzied mob, d appeals made by sadhus to d cops ignored,they brushing his hands off. Its nothing but STATE SPONSORED LYNCHING