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Jun 20th 2022
1] Seems like debates over the structuring of CCC, just won't go away.

At face value, these conversations are political manure, that will certainly help grow our democracy.

Politically also, these conversations reinforces the position of CCC as the ultimate alternative.
2] Writing an article attached below, I did opinion that it would be naivety of the highest order, for CCC to behave, and for its supporters to equally demand that it behaves, as if Zimbabwe is a normal democracy.

Doing so, will only lead to its demise .…
3] #PoliticalIdeology

I always laugh when I read that CCC has no political #Ideology.

By definition, an #ideology is a set #ideas; #beliefs; #values; and #opinions, providing #actionplans, for #public #policy making.

These spell out the party's overal #political #action.
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