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DENV and its effects on the liver:
DENV causes a disorder of the liver ranging from direct, hypoxic, ischemic viral injury to a dysregulated immune response resulting in apoptosis and necrosis…
🔵Glutathione enzymes and liver damage in acute dengue viral infection:
Dengue viremia mainly affects the liver with viral toxicity or immunological injury.
Read 25 tweets

1. Write what you know. Reach into your past for inspiration. Use personal experiences and emotions to create relatable characters and compelling storylines.

#writingtips #ideas #creativity #WritingCommunity
2. Explore your passions and interests to find inspiration for your novel. Think badminton is run of the mill? Think again. Your local sports club might contain someone who inspires the hero or villain of your next book. #writingtips #creativity
3. Observe the world around you – read the news, trawl the Internet, pay attention to the stories unfolding before you. Scratch beneath the surface and try to figure out how and why things happen, and why people respond in certain ways. #writingtips #ideas
Read 10 tweets
Carica from the Greek “karike”, name of a fig tree. PAPAYA, derives from the Mayan "páapay-ya" which means marbled sapote (sweet-tasting fruit).
✔️Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory…
Read 20 tweets
1️⃣ PART

Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE): favorable ″bad″ antibodies for viral infections Image
✅Intrinsic ADE: the dark side of antibody-dependent enhancement during dengue infection

The risk of severe dengue disease occurs during secondary infection with a different virus serotype than the previous infection... Image
...this occurs due to ADE= "Subneutralizing antibodies against virus particles opsonize dengue virus entry by forming complexes immune".
There are 2 types ADE
1)extrinsic ADE 👉improves virus entry
2)intrinsic ADE 👉results in increased virus production through
Read 16 tweets
5 API ideas you can build and monetize: 👇
1️⃣ A Fitness tracking API

This API would allow developers to build custom fitness apps that track users' workouts, progress, and other fitness metrics.

It could be used by fitness companies, personal trainers, or anyone looking to build a fitness app.
2️⃣ Form submission API (for static websites)

Even static websites need contact forms.

Static sites do not use any backend, so you have to handle this problem somehow.

You can build a single API endpoint for this purpose.
Read 9 tweets
Creating Notion templates is messy

I created over 25+ templates with 1500+ sales avg 📈

Here's how I create a template and every tool I use 🧵👇
1. Researching & Brainstorming Ideas

@Notionery - Look for best @NoitonHQ templates and collect ideas

@YouTube - Look for Notion workflows that others have build.

✓ Content Creation Hub template: Understand and collect ideas (

#ideas #notion
2. Planing out templates / Wireframe

@milanoteapp - Create a structure

@NotionHQ - Form that structure into a basic template

#notion #plan #structure
Read 9 tweets
@linda_a_burnett's workshop done, presentations attended, scholars met, and conversations had. What have I learned? Surprising things. Here's a partial reflection histories of scientific instructions, lists & colonial travel. @UU_University, @BookScribbler, @eayers0, @dominikhhh
First off, not all lists are alike. Much can be learned by the order of items, especially when it comes to ethnographic observation. The order of observation tells us about the intellectual context from which the instruction arises. #listing #History #Science #KNOWLEDGE
But study of intellectual context takes us into other domains - of national experiences, of inter-imperial exchanges, of cross-cultural encounters and yes, so often, of violence and indifference to sufferings. #History #Empire #colonized #Violence #KnowledgeManagement
Read 12 tweets

☑️ The pharmacology of the TMEM16A channel: therapeutic opportunities:
The intracellular Ca-dependent Cl channel TMEM16A is a key regulator of vascular tone control and local blood flow.

°TMEM16A inhibitors have potential therapeutic uses👉 Asthma, COPD, Cystic Fibrosis, HTA/PAH, CVA, Overactive Bladder, Ca.…
°Pharmacological modulators👉 niflumic acid, flufenamic acid and mefenamic acid
💊 Reused 👉 Zafirlukast, Avermectins (Ivermectin), Niclosamide, Nitazoxanide, Cefarantine.
🌱Natural👉 Gallotannins, Evodiamine, Rutaecarpina, Luteolin, Galangina, Quercetin and Fisetin.
Read 25 tweets
A continuación, viene un hilo [🧵] sobre la #automatización del trabajo, los #robots y una serie de #ideas💡a tomar en cuenta ➡️... Image
Probablemente, te preguntarás, ¿Por qué la #automatización del #trabajo 🦾ha llamado tu atención?

¿Es acaso debido a las películas de #Terminator, o tal vez, #Robocop, #WALL·E o Nueve de #ShaneAcker? ⬇️
La verdad es que, todo esto se deriva de una muy particular #pasión por no morirme de hambre 😂 en un #mundo 🌎 cada vez más #competitivo, automatizado y #tecnológico. ⬇️ Image
Read 40 tweets
"White gold" is not only used to exploit economically and technologically, but also for the benefit of health.🌎

1. Humans in areas with higher amounts of lithium in drinking water live longer;…

2. In the long term, lithium can help maintain longer telomeres;…

3. Lithium has been shown to regulate genes related to healthy DNA structure;…

4. Lithium appears to slow the rate of brain aging;…

5. People with higher lithium intake show better mood;
GSK-3 is an enzyme that plays an important role in regulating metabolism.
Read 35 tweets
Backward Integration Model of Ebonyi Oil Palm Refinery & Biomass Energy/Electric Generation - Driving The New Ebonyi SME Businesses with Biomass Off-Grid Power (Electricity) Generation

Under our leadership as #EbonyiState Governor.
Working with resourceful and competent #EbonyBest team, we will set up an Oil Palm Refining Facility using a PPP Model, leveraging on CBN agric credit or multilateral donor funds to establish integrated oil palm processing facility.
This facility when operational, will utilize all waste to generate 24/7 electricity via biomass digester to run the oil palm mill and light up the host community.

This venture will position us for export capability of not less than 100 metric tons of oil palm weekly.
Read 6 tweets
wooowwwww, I know that you've always wanted to compare objects in JS as `obj === obj` so I brought good news for you 🤩🔥

Let's begin🧵 /1
I don't know about you but I'm really excited about this feature, let me show you how it works 🔥

The #ECMAScript proposal for the #Record and #Tuple value types is Stage 2 which means that it could change at any time but there're packages and playgrounds for you to try out this feature before it's available on the language.

Read 11 tweets
भोपाल, मध्य प्रदेश के 26 वर्षीय हर्षित गोधा साल 2013 में BBA की पढ़ाई के लिए UK गए थे। फिटनेस के शौक़ीन, हर्षित की प्लेट में हर दिन एवोकाडो फल रहता ही था और इस तरह यह उनकी डाइट का एक हिस्सा बन चुका था। लेकिन तब हर्षित ने सोचा भी नहीं था ImageImageImage
(2/4)कि यह सुपर फ़ूड न सिर्फ उनकी डाइट का, बल्कि एक दिन उनके काम का भी हिस्सा बन जाएगा।

BBA की पढ़ाई के बाद, हर्षित ने इज़राइल जाकर एवोकाडो उगाना सीखा और आज उन्होंने अपने पांच एकड़ खेत में तक़रीबन 1800 एवोकाडो के पौधे उगाए हैं।
(3/4)इतना ही नहीं वह देशभर के किसानों को भी इज़राइली एवोकाडो के पौधे बेच रहे हैं और अपने पारिवारिक बिज़नेस को छोड़कर आज वह एक किसान बन गए हैं।

द बेटर इंडिया से बात करते हुए वह कहते हैं, “यह एक सुपरफ़ूड है, जिसके कई स्वास्थ्य लाभ हैं, लेकिन भारत में तो यह इतने महंगें मिलते हैं
Read 4 tweets
1] Seems like debates over the structuring of CCC, just won't go away.

At face value, these conversations are political manure, that will certainly help grow our democracy.

Politically also, these conversations reinforces the position of CCC as the ultimate alternative.
2] Writing an article attached below, I did opinion that it would be naivety of the highest order, for CCC to behave, and for its supporters to equally demand that it behaves, as if Zimbabwe is a normal democracy.

Doing so, will only lead to its demise .…
3] #PoliticalIdeology

I always laugh when I read that CCC has no political #Ideology.

By definition, an #ideology is a set #ideas; #beliefs; #values; and #opinions, providing #actionplans, for #public #policy making.

These spell out the party's overal #political #action.
Read 22 tweets

Al empezar una campaña, desde @OniriaTBWA lo primero que hacen es conocer cuál es el objetivo del negocio del cliente y a partir de allí decantan en los objetivos de marketing y los de comunicación...
🚀Seguidamente se inicia el proceso creativo con la identificación de las #fortalezas de la marca, la empresa o el producto que protagonizará la campaña...
🚀Luego, alrededor de ese diferencial, desde la agencia buscan otras observaciones o #insight de cómo ese producto o servicio mejorará la vida de las personas.
Read 7 tweets
New article on #websites #classification discussing possible #taxonomy that can be used (IAB, Google, Facebook, etc.) as well as #machinelearning models:…

list of useful resources:
a new telegram channel where will post about #explainableai (#XAI for short):…
there are now many useful libraries available for doing #explainability of #AI models: SHAP, LIME, partial dependence plots PDP. And also the "classical" feature importance.
Our german blog on topic of website #categorizations:
Read 6 tweets
Is your Procrastination killing your Dreams?
I guess, we spend more time thinking about things that are out of our control. Some things that we have not seen. Thus, we never move forward.

~ *thread* ~

There is a simple ideology that I follow, first, try to start with a small thing. Small enough to experiment out everything that you would have done all the way if you were the one.
There is a story behind how I came up with this.
1/ My friend always thought of becoming a CEO, starting his own company, and stuff like that. But, it is definitely not easy.
The tension of finding the right idea for the people along with a good business model always kept him stuck. I guess everyone faces this once.
Read 8 tweets

Never judge someone's character based on the words of another. Instead, study the motives behind the words of the person casting the bad judgment.

What is the sole source of Character Assassination?

SSR An Incredible Human Being Image
Jealousy originates from Limitation. A jealous person sees u as having a gift, skill, charisma, talent, or ability that he or she does not have. The mindset of a jealous person is manipulation.

How does a Jealous Person manipulate?

SSR An Incredible Human Being
A Jealous Person controls a group's perception of u (are the Gifted or Self-made gem of Person) by possessing a group's opinion by claiming u are full of fault.

Sometimes what u love to do could even make many people to hate u. U may go thru..

SSR An Incredible Human Being
Read 10 tweets
We’ve talked about the enemies of our civilisation and biological world:
– the corporations
– the growth economy
– the oligarch- or state-controlled media
– the greedy and power-hungry 0.1%

“Enemies in terms of endangering social cohesion and environmental sustainability?”

Yes, in precisely those terms – the enemies who’re endangering us all.

But then we moved on.

“It wasn’t great having so many enemies, was it?”

It wasn’t… 0.1 percent of eight billion people… That’s a lot of enemies.

Read 32 tweets
#InvArch is an intellectual property & decentralized development network for #web3. InvArch is not just new to the @Polkadot ecosystem, but also a novel project throughout the entire #blockchain community.

This thread serves as a brief introduction to the project.

First, it is important to understand the three (3) key focuses of the network:

1.) Allow users to tokenize their ideas (intellectual property #IP).

2.) Provide a secure environment where ideas can be shared.

3.) Foster a network for collaboration and partnership forming.

#InvArch views #ideas as sets of non-fungible components. Specifically, InvArch introduces Intellectual Property Sets (#IPSets), which are collections of #NFTs called Intellectual Property Tokens (#IPT). These files are what help to describe and detail an idea.

Read 24 tweets
'Developing ideas for the future': session being led now at #YHFSummit by @jahintanvir_ and strategist @andrewhollo - thanks Jahin for featuring in our @CroakeyNews preview…
Mapping ideas #YHFSummit Image
Read 31 tweets
From rejecting a seven-figure job to building India’s largest platform for financial education,

Here’s the story behind my entrepreneurial journey so far.
I graduated from IIM Indore in 2008 and got placed in JP Morgan. Having a zeal to do something in the #education sector, I didn't take that #job, to start up a new venture of my own.
During that time CAT went online. I started my own venture- FireUp, an e-learning portal for training for #management entrance examinations.
Read 15 tweets
Jab bhi investment ki baat ho, we Indians always seek #Advice from ‘experts’ around us.

"Bata yaar kis stock mein invest karoon?"
"Reliance kaisa lag raha hai?"
"Chart kya bolta hai?"

We created STOCKEDGE CLUB to make these discussions easy, reliable & fun!

💡Here’s why-
🤗To make you self-dependent

The expert can be our friend, that uncle or celebrity investor on TV or social media sharing #Tips.

We trust them. But there is no #Accountability. And no one explains us WHY.

We did few things in StockEdge Club to solve this.

💡Here’s what-
📈24/7 Technical Analyst

Our #SEBI registered team of analysts will help you decode the price movement in any underlying and #guide you at every step of your trading #decision.
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