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May 23rd 2022
I hope everyone is ready for the #PartygateCoverup that's about to hit us I think we will all be shocked that @Conservatives behaved in such a disgusting vile way when people couldn't be with their loved ones as they died alone never forget @BorisJohnson was at the top
He's the one who should have been leading showing an example to each and everyone of those involved but instead he not only encouraged this law breaking but actively showed a total disregard for every mother father brother sister uncle auntie grandmother grandfather daughter
And son who died scared and alone he didn't even have any respect for the Queen when her husband died he's lied dodged and shown no respect for any of us he smirks eveytime he's asked about it he doesn't care ..why is he still our prime minister because @Conservatives made sure
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May 12th 2022
1/ With those who are what they appear to be, there's less to analyse & expose than there is of people who pretend to be something they're not. That #Johnson is a liar is part of his brand. Their sense of entitlement an explicit part of their ideology #partygate #beergate
2/ With regards to #Partygate/#Partygatefines is it really news that the dishonest, self-serving #Johnson Tory Government broke the rules they themselves and expected others to follow? #beergate
3/ More frightening, perhaps are those that package awful deeds in moral doublespeak - as if they are expressions of higher purpose. One example would be dressing up the disproportionate targeting of anti-war Jews as fighting "antisemitism"... #ItWasAScam #Partygate #beergate
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