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May 22nd 2023
And our union’s National Negotiating Committee knows it. Committee leaders, like #Teamsters Gen. President Sean M. O’Brien & Gen. Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman, & Teamster rank-and-filers reconvened nat'l negotiations with @UPS executives today. Image
During late morning and early afternoon bargaining, as both sides discussed technology, package volumes, and new Teamster jobs, committee members remained vocal that the #Teamsters are unified in this fight.
UPSers are coordinating and sharing information, and the negotiating team stands behind its proposals to improve the way of life for the company’s workforce.

"Yes, we need to preserve and improve our strong benefits, and we want to see wages go up for all," O’Brien said.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
🧵Four general secretaries – @cyclingkev, @PaulWhiteman6, @RealGeoffBarton and @PatrickR_NASUWT – have announced plans to continue the dispute with Government over pay, school funding, and workload and conditions at the @NAHTnews conference in Telford.
.@cyclingkev: “In washing her hands of any responsibility for resolving the teacher pay and funding dispute the Education Secretary has united the teaching profession in its determination to not accept the poor offer currently on the table. "
"Investment in this generation of children’s education, with professionals shown the value and respect they deserve, should be a priority.”

Read the full statement below. 👇

#PayUp #SaveOurSchools…
Read 3 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
Yesterday, @NEUnion members from across the country went to visit their local MP.

Members used the strike day to take our #SaveOurSchools message to their local politicians.

🧵See what members got up to below 👇
📍 Harrow East - @BobBlackman #PayUp #SaveOurSchools Image
Read 10 tweets
Jul 11th 2020
Your clothes are not worth more than the lives of South Asian garment workers, namely in Bangladesh! We at SAHF call on you to be more conscious consumers, boycott companies (listed below) that have not paid workers adequately, and educate yourself about this issue! 👇#PayUp Image
Read 9 tweets
Jul 5th 2020
Good to see so much reporting on #fastfashion production in #leicester including investigative reporting - undercover Sunday times journalist who was hired in factory on Thursday. This moment has been a long time coming..../1
Former MP for Wakefield @MaryCreaghMP led an Environmental Audit Committee investigation into #fastfashion two years ago. I was one of the experts who gave evidence. Her subsequent report #fixingfashion is worth a read. Every recommendation was rejected by the government /2
Meanwhile @boohoo sent a resounding ‘fuck off’ in the form of refusing to appear or answer questions. clear that we now had a UK brand/retailer that would not be answerable. Report rejection gave green light to go for it, increase profits with no checks & balances. /3
Read 12 tweets
Jun 24th 2020
There are over 4.1 million Bangladeshi garments workers who are NOT being paid. This is not only a financial crisis, but a humanitarian crisis waiting to unfold if we don’t act now. please read:
Read 25 tweets
Sep 18th 2019
1/ In this here article, a Lyft exec weighs in re: the possibility of a pay floor for TNC drivers in Seattle, stating "that Lyft riders in the city earn an average of more than $20 per hour". This kind of figure is instructive in several different ways...…
2/ For one thing, there's no way to check it. Gig companies don't share their data — and don't have crazy amounts of credibility — so for all we know they could just be making up #s. But let's assume that it's accurate. Still some questions...
3/ To start: does that $20 include tips or are they putting tips on top? And what time does the "per hour" cover — big difference between time with a fare, time with a trip (which includes time to pickup location + time with fare), and time online.
Read 11 tweets
Dec 30th 2018
The #93Society is everywhere & in your face.
@quinnmichaels shows us the latest example here:
Amazon's (Jeff Bezos - go figure) new show is just another way to leave their mark
9/3 23 7 all numbers of significance to them
#Q #Qanon #TheRealQ

Was watching an old Geraldo Rivera (1985ish) show about #SRA, and one of the featured stories was abt a horrendous satanic murder that happened in this apartment: They made sure to show the apt #
There are 93 US District Attorneys

The CERN logo = Three 9s

Read 15 tweets

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