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Nov 15th 2022
1/4.“We do need a “mosaic of solutions” to address #LossAndDamage. But first and foremost, we need to establish a dedicated funding facility under the @UNFCCC system, where all parties have equal equitable access, and predictable access, to #LossAndDamage finance.”@anuahsa #COP27
2/4. "Secondly we need to be able to address the slow-onset impacts of #ClimateChange. And Thirdly we need to be able to capture what is happening outside [the @UNFCCC] and bring it into this process, for example, what's happening with the NDBs and IFIs."
3/4. "And to start thinking of innovative ways to start funding #LossAndDamage, because we know that funding for #LossAndDamage does not need to come only from public sources, but it also needs to come from the private sector and #Philanthropies."
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