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Jun 17th 2023
In a world where

#Haskell fuels a mere 0.65% of internet projects & #Python dominates with 25%

the need for a #Python-based SC dev platform becomes increasingly pivotal for any #blockchain

Enter @OpShinDev: a game-changing tool for onboarding new developers to #Cardano๐Ÿงต๐Ÿ‘‡ Image
@OpShinDev is a Python-based solution,

leveraging one of the most commonly used programming languages

Its ambition is to enhance the accessibility & usability of blockchain development

without compromising the intricacies required for SCs on #Cardano
The defining feature of OpShin is its grounding in Python 3

Python's compatibility allows seamless integration with off-chain Python-based tools such as PyCardano

and lets developers utilize existing testing frameworks and IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) Image
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