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The Thesis Guy⏐Doctor turned Crypto Thesis Researcher & Ghostwriter for Web3 Founders⏐Building the Founder's Voice 👉
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Sep 20, 2023 27 tweets 7 min read
If blockchains aspire to be the cornerstone of global finance

the dApps on these blockchains must be built with the rigor & reliability of safety-critical systems

Here's why VMs leveraging the Finite State Machines (FSM) model will be vital in building mission-critical dApps👇 Image 2/27
The current state of DeFi does not enable mission-critical dApps

Why is this the case?

Let's examine the Ethereum smart contract model,

which is a black box with an insurmountable amount of complexity

and serves as a fertile ground for exploits
Aug 23, 2023 27 tweets 8 min read
To ensure security, PoS chains need a significant amount of capital

On the other hand

#Bitcoin, which operates on PoW, represents an idle asset with a market cap of HALF A TRILLION USD

Is it possible to secure PoS chains with #Bitcoin?

Yes & here's why its a game changer🧵👇 Image 2/26
PoS chains are based on the idea that they can enhance scalability & energy efficiency

while preserving the security of the ledger

This is achieved by allowing parties to extend the blockchain based on the amount of coins they own

instead of relying on computing power Image
Jun 22, 2023 34 tweets 9 min read
Although #Cardano's architecture is fundamentally different from #Ethereum's

1st gen of dApps on #Cardano resembled EVM's account-based programming model


The future belongs to dApps that fully leverage the E-UTxO model of Cardano

Here's a thread on distributed dApps🧵👇 2/33
The E-UTxO model of #Cardano is fundamentally superior to Ethereum’s account-based model

This model enables the implementation of innovative, scalable solutions

that are virtually impossible to achieve using #Ethereum’s account-based approach

Jun 17, 2023 18 tweets 9 min read
In a world where

#Haskell fuels a mere 0.65% of internet projects & #Python dominates with 25%

the need for a #Python-based SC dev platform becomes increasingly pivotal for any #blockchain

Enter @OpShinDev: a game-changing tool for onboarding new developers to #Cardano🧵👇 Image 2/14
@OpShinDev is a Python-based solution,

leveraging one of the most commonly used programming languages

Its ambition is to enhance the accessibility & usability of blockchain development

without compromising the intricacies required for SCs on #Cardano
Jun 13, 2023 29 tweets 12 min read
As it stands, the Haskell-Plutus platform serves as the primary tool for developing & deploying smart contracts on #Cardano

However, a novel programming language "Aiken" is emerging as a superior alternative

Discover what sets Aiken apart & why it's a game-changer for #Cardano Image 2/27
What is Aiken?

It is a pure functional programming language

tailored to offer developers a modern & efficient environment for constructing smart contracts on #Cardano

It is specifically designed to enhance UX by simplifying the process of creating dApps on #Cardano
May 2, 2023 27 tweets 15 min read
Almost 90% of #Ethereum's L2 TVL is on rollups such as #Optimism & #Arbitrum

Which lack critical safety measures & are governed by multisigs

putting billions of user funds at risk

Here are the reasons why these rollups are ticking timebombs,

waiting to go up in flames🧵👇 Image 2/25
Primary factor hindering #blockchain's widespread adoption & competition with Web2 solutions is its lack of scalability

Currently, #blockchains are in a phase where they are exploring ways to scale

while maintaining decentralization & security

That's where rollups come in Image
Apr 20, 2023 26 tweets 12 min read
The current publishing industry is archaic & restrictive

One #Cardano project is challenging these centuries-old business models.

Having published 100,000+ books on #Cardano,

this project empowers readers & users alike

Here is everything you need to know about @book_io 👇 Image 2/26
The global book market is massive.

As of 2023, the global trade book sales revenue is estimated at $78.07 billion.

However, a significant problem exists:

This market is highly centralized, limiting opportunities for users and writers.

Source: Image
Mar 19, 2023 33 tweets 13 min read
With the release of the new node version 1.35.6.

#Cardano now supports Dynamic peer-to-peer (P2P) networking capability

This update brings a significant boost for the

Resilience & decentralization of #Cardano's networking layer


Let's dive in🧵👇 Decentralization is a core value driver for #Cardano

& there are 3 pillars to #Cardano's decentralization

• Networking

• Governance

• Block production

With this upgrade

#Cardano has now achieved complete decentralization of its networking layer

How? let's take a look👇
Mar 17, 2023 29 tweets 8 min read
The US #Fed is on an ambitious mission to reduce its balance sheet & hike interest rates

As a result, the financial & tech sectors are experiencing significant disruptions & setbacks


This creates ONCE IN A GENERATION opportunity for #blockchains like #Cardano

Why?🧵👇 Image So, what is the balance sheet, and why does it exist?👇

The Federal Reserve employs various tools to regulate the financial system

including manipulating the flow & cost of capital

Typically, the preferred methods of achieving these objectives are through interest rates

Feb 9, 2023 51 tweets 18 min read
#Bitcoin is the only #blockchain that offers

Dynamic participation for validator nodes in a decentralized environment

None of the PoS #blockchains can offer this

But Ouroborus Genesis will make #Cardano the first PoS #blockchain with this capability

How? Here's a Thread🧵👇 Ouroboros Genesis is a highly anticipated upgrade to the consensus protocol of #Cardano in 2022

This upgrade is designed to address the issues of costless simulation and the bootstrapping problem and mitigate the threat of long-range attacks

in a decentralized, open environment
Feb 5, 2023 17 tweets 9 min read
Introducing Dandelion API,

a set of APIs designed to simplify the process of developing decentralized applications and smart contracts on #Cardano

A tool that helps developers to access and work on #Cardano with ease and efficiency

Want to know more?

Here’s a thread🧵👇 The Dandelion project is a community-supported initiative

led by @gimbalabs and operated by @repsistance

That offers a wide range of APIs for developers to access different layers of the Cardano

These APIs can be used to build a wide range of

dApps, light wallets, and more
Jan 31, 2023 32 tweets 17 min read
#Cardano saw an incredible amount of development in the 1st month of 2023

But when it comes to its influence over shaping the future of the #Cardano ecosystem

One development stood above all others

It's not #DJED or the launch of another dApp

Curious? Here's a thread 🧵👇 #Cardano is not designed to be a single "God protocol"

That embraces one set of trade-offs and denies flexibility

But #Cardano is designed to be a financial operating system

That is flexible enough to accommodate the arbitrary complexity of a broad range of usecases
Dec 2, 2022 30 tweets 19 min read
#Ethereum Community often calls themselves #Decentralization maxis

But if we look at the real metrics

#Cardano is far ahead than #Ethereum on #Decentralization

Here are the reasons why #Cardano is the most decentralized PoS-based blockchain out there🧵👇 #Decentralisation is the core ethos that gives meaning to the public #Blockchain space

Because it eliminates the need for trusted parties

#Bitcoin initiated this movement in the backdrop of the 2008 financial crisis

Resulted from the corrupt banks & lack of transparency
Nov 30, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Not a lot of people know this

But Babel Fee is an innovation that will make #Cardano future proof

And Babel fee is already live on #Ergo Image Babel fees coupled with a communication protocol similar to IBC of #Cosmos

That will be a game-changer for #Cardano

Hint: App chains/sidechains
Nov 21, 2022 24 tweets 16 min read
There is a ridiculous project on #Cardano with a worthless token,

that is doing more for your network than you can even imagine.

Wondering how?

Here's a story on how a meme coin is decentralizing the networking layer #Cardano🧵👇 Image Yes, it's #Hosky

the infamous meme coin of #Cardano

I am sure you have heard the name #Hosky, but do you know anything more about it?

So, before we get into the details!

Let me tell you the story of #Hosky!
Nov 3, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
What I really appreciate about @ravanave is his no-BS approach

And making it clear what capabilities #Cardano the L1 should provide

To enable a thriving ecosystem on #Cardano These are valid criticisms that actually hamper the implementation of cutting-edge dApps on #Cardano

Oct 30, 2022 16 tweets 12 min read
So here's the first edition of #ThisWeekInCardano

This will be the first in a series of threads that will be published every Sunday

Giving you a summary of the major events in the #Cardano ecosystem

This thread will also feature a project from the ecosystem

Let's dig in🧵👇 Image #CNFTs are on fire!

NFT trading volume on #Cardano is now the third highest in the entire #blockchain landscape.…
Oct 24, 2022 48 tweets 15 min read
Running a full node is the most trustless, censorship-resistant & decentralized way to interact with a blockchain

But what if you can enjoy the same benefits by running a light client of #Cardano on your phone

Yes! that's where we're heading

Here's a thread on Mithril🧵👇 Image What will you learn from this thread?

• The difference between a full-node and light nodes

• Why it's hard to scale the current networking layer of blockchains?

• What is a Stake-based threshold multisignature scheme (STM)?

• Components, Design & usecases of Mithril
Sep 28, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
The proposal Daedalus Turbo is actually infeasible in the current state, which got funded

The step involved in the #ProjectCatalyst to prevent such an event is the proposal finalizing stage

Where veteran proposal assessors (vPAs) give green light to proposals for voting stage Daedalus Turbo just got funded for building a technically infeasible product

Total funds allocated USD 759000

That is 6% of the total catalyst budget, allocated to a team/person with no experience in #blockchain development
Sep 22, 2022 30 tweets 15 min read
#Cardano just embraced the #Vasil upgrade

Its the right time to look back at the groundbreaking successes of #Cardano

A novel consensus protocol based on Proof of stake (PoS) is one of them

So let's compare & contrast the PoS of #Cardano with PoS of #Ethereum 🧵👇 Since the #Shelly upgrade in 2020,

#Cardano is running on a PoS-based consensus protocol named Ouroborus

It is the first provably secure PoS-based consensus protocol

and the 1st blockchain protocol based on peer-reviewed research

Running without a glitch for the past 2 years
Aug 27, 2022 36 tweets 15 min read
#Decentralization of the networking layer of #Cardano is the most anticipated upgrade after the #Vasil HFC event

P2P is one such upgrade that will make #Cardano a far more decentralized & resilient network than what's it now

So here's a thread on peer-to-peer (P2P) networking Decentralization is a core value and driver for #Cardano

And there are three pillars to Cardano's decentralization

• Networking

• Governance

• Block production