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Oct 6th 2021
A busy day ended and I started walking to my car in the hospital parking. With the setting sun in my eyes, I saw this 7 or 8 year old boy standing at the hospital entrance speaking to her younger sister. (1/9)
Their father and an old lady, probably their grandmother, sat on their haunches nearby.
The little boy had probably returned after visiting his ailing mother who was admitted in our hospital.
The visit of the young fella had coincided with lunch being served to admitted patients. This stroke of luck had given him a chance of a lifetime. It was now his turn to describe the menu to his younger sister. (3/9)
Read 9 tweets
Sep 21st 2021
#POSHAN Abhiyaan is India's flagship programme to improve nutritional outcomes for children, adolescents, pregnant women and lactating mothers by leveraging technology, a targeted approach and convergence.
Here's everything you need to know about #POSHAN Abhiyaan

Read 24 tweets
Oct 18th 2020
#Earthquake Warning 21:24:20 [JST]
6th report (end) Forecast
Occurrence: 21:23:33 (JST) |
12:23:33 (UTC)

Epicenter: #EasternHidaka region 42.2N 142.9E 60km
Scale: #Magnitude 4.2 (MJMA)
Seismic intensity values of 3 or more have not been observed in any region.
Data plotted by Seismograph:

for time range: 10/18/2020|

11:33:00 (UTC) to 12:33:59 (UTC)
20:33:00 (JST) to 21:33:59 (JST)

previouse a 3.4 earthquake at 11:46/ 20:46 (UTC / JST)

the second was a 4.1 earthquake at
12:23 /21:23 (UTC /JST)
Read 5 tweets

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